Monster Hunter

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"And that's how the cheetah got his spots the end." Yakko closes the book he was reading for Lulu beside her bed.

"Again! Again!" LuLu cheers fully awake

"Baby sis that's the tenth time it's time to go to bed." Yakko rolls his eyes with a smile "Go to sleep." He ruffs her hair trying off the lights

"Good ight Akko." LuLu yawns sleepily

"Good night munchkin." Yakko crawls in his own bed quickly falling asleep

LuLu sucks her thumb as she started to fall asleep, there was a sudden shuffle that made her perk up "Huh?" She looks around the room but didn't see anything.

LuLu just shrugs and lays back down

The noise of a ball bouncing catches her attention "H-Hewllo?" LuLu looked in the dark room

She hears some sort of growl and quickly grabs a stuff bunny ready to use it as a weapon.

A shadow with five glowing red eyes peeled over at the end of her bed just staring at her, it opens it drooling mouth showing her its sharp fangs

LuLu starts crying out of fear

"Huh? W-what?" Dot sleepily lifts up her sleeping mask from the sound "Uh LuLu don't cry Dot's coming." Dot slides down her bed waddling still asleep bumping into the board of the bed a little bit "Ugh oh sorry."

The shadow disappears under Lulu's bed as she continues to sob

"Aww poor baby it's ok it's ok." Dot picks up her little sister holding her close "What's the matter did something scare you?"

LuLu nods quickly, holding on to her sister tight

"Awww ya wanna sleep with your big sister tonight?" Dot asked sweetly

"Mmhm." LuLu nods

"Ok come on." Dot carries her sister to her part of the bunk bed as LuLu looked at the dark abyss that was under her bed.


The next morning LuLu looks under her bed but doesn't see anything, Wakko eating a bowl of cereal noticed and snorts a little

"What are you doing silly?"

"Wonster!" LuLu points at her bed, she stomps around making angry monster noises.

"A monster? that's not how you bait a monster out! let big brother Wakko show ya how's it done." Wakko points to his chest as he leads her to the kitchen.

Wakko opens a closet that a whole bunch of weapons and traps "Pick one anyone." LuLu points at a bear trap

"Oh not that one that's my favorite one." Wakko looks at the trap dreamily

LuLu points at a crossbow

"That's my favorite too."

LuLu boredly points at an old rope

"Excellent choice!" Wakko pats LuLu head as she rolled her eyes that she had no choice but to pick that one.

LuLu grabs the rope and opens the refrigerator she looks for a second and perks seeing what she needed


"Hehe." LuLu giggles evilly as she puts a piece of steak on top of an x in the middle of her rope booby trap

She climbs in her bed and falls asleep

Later on that night

LuLu snores in her sleep until a bell starts ring

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