Potty Training

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LuLu giggles playing with a stack of blocks as her older siblings sat on the couch watching tv suddenly she grunts and squeaks as she lightly falls to the ground on her back making her siblings perk and jump off the couch.

"LuLu you ok munchkin?" Yakko asks as the others tower over her

"I think she's gonna explode!" Wakko put his hands on his hat freaking out

"Relax Wakko she's not gonna explode .. right Yakko?" Dot looks at her older brother as he picks LuLu up as her continues to grunt and make funny faces

"Poopy." LuLu babbles shifting around

"What?" Dot raises an eyebrow not fully hearing her as Lulus face turns red as she puffs out her cheeks "Poopy!" She crosses her eyes and let's a fart and not so nice wet sound

"Phew!" Yakko, Wakko, and Dot gag and hold their noses as Yakko sticks her out in front of him sticking out his tongue in disgust

"Well I guess we're gonna have to change her diaper." Yakko puffs out his cheeks holding his breath

"What'd ya mean we? You're the one holding her." Dot squeezes her nose as Wakko nods as the two walk away. Yakko is left standing with a dumbfounded look as LuLu squeezes his cheeks making him raspberry slowly.


Yakko groans with LuLu in his hands playing with his face as he settled her down on the floor by her toys "Man that's the 5th dirty diaper today!" He groans plopping down on the couch "That's it! It's time for LuLu to be pot-"

Dot covers his mouth shushing him "Shhhh don't say the p word around LuLu." She points to her baby sister who's swaying side to side happily watching a pineapple dance sillily on the tv "You how she feels about the toilet cause someone traumatized her!" Dot bonks Wakko on the head

"What I didn't mean to!"


LuLu waddles into the bathroom looking at the toilet with wonder, she stretched her hand out to touch but then suddenly the water start to bubble and rise as LuLu back up a little nervous.

The water rises and a water like monster raises its arms up moaning a bubbling monstrous groan, LuLu screams and runs away lightly sobbing.

The water monster shakes revealing it to be Wakko in a blue scuba outfit and goggles "I finally found my rubber ducky!" Wakko goofily holds up a yellow toy rubber duck getting it a squeeze.


"I had to save mister squeakums!" Wakko pouts at his brother and sister glaring at him "Well it's time our baby sister takes a trip to the potty." Yakko stands up with a frown on his face "Either you help me potty train LuLu of you'll be the ones changing her diaper." He smirks at his younger siblings who cringed and make disgusted face

"To the toilet!" Dot stands up dramatically grabbing her baby sister as her and Wakko bolt to the toilet


"Come on Lu .. let .. go!" Yakko grunts as he pulls on the baby Warner's legs as she holds onto the doorway not wanting to enter the bathroom, finally she loose her grip and puts her in front of the toilet. She squeals hiding behind her big brother's leg

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