Gold Meddlers

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Late in the night the Warner siblings gathered around a campfire camping

LuLu sits in Yakko's lap looking at the fire, she reaches her hand out wanting to touch but Yakko noticed and pulls her hand back "Uh Uh munchkin don't touch the fire."

"Now let's see." Wakko digs around in the bag


"Graham Crackers."


Wakko looks down at his hands to see nothing "Oh no no no no no no! I forgot the chocolate!"

Yakko, LuLu, and Dot gasps dramatically

"No Mores?" LuLu asked her oldest brother with a sad frown with big eyes.

"No mores." Yakko shook his head confirming as the littlest sibling whimpers with sadness

"What's the point of a camp fire trip without s'mores?" Wakko sighs, suddenly the ground started to shake

"Um excuse me, but you can not be here!" A giant buff blond haired man interrupts

"Hey maybe this guys got some chocolate!" Yakko beams

"Yeah mister ya got any chocolate?" Dot asked

"Whocolate! Whocolate!" LuLu stretches her arms out towards him waiting for him to put some chocolate in her hand

"What? No!"

"Aw why not?" The four Warner siblings whine

"Because this is not Wonka Willy's playtime!" The man said annoyed "This is the Greek games!" He gestured to the cheering crowd and news reporters showing that the Warners were on top of a giant trophy

"Huh so it is." Yakko's around

"And I am Nils Niedhart!" The man points to himself. "The all wanting favorite to win all the gold metals!" He points up to a display of beautiful shine gold medals

"Hey look foil wrapped chocolates!" Wakko points at the metals

"Oo so fancy!" Dot smiles

"Whocolate!" LuLu bounces up and down clapping her hands

"Looks like we're gonna have to become 'gold meddlers'!"

"Title of the sketch?"

"Title of the sketch."

Horns starts to blow as the games finally begin

"It's starting!" Nils Niedhart claps his hands excitedly "Ok bye bye No squatters in the stadium until after games are over."

"That's when the urban decay sets in." He says deeply serious with a blank face

He wraps the warners in their tent and chucks them mid air, the Warners screams are heard as they fly though the air

"This is so in tents!" Yakko screams as the tent slammed into the scoreboard, a mine sitting on top of it plays on the drums

"Ladies and Gentlemen!" An announcer speaks up "Say hello to the best athletes in the world" different athletes from different countries hold their flags beside them with pride until Nils Niedhart lands roughly and smacks everyone out of the way with his own flag "Yah! Hello! Nils Niedhart coming though! Get over it! No big deal! JK Very big deal!"

Some audiences in the stands cheer for him

"I love you Nills!" A fan shows off his shirt

"Thank you but I am already in a serious relationship with my biceps Ronald and Matilda!" Nils flecks his muscles kissing them "And my pecks Mooby and Highbeam." He then kisses his pecks and looks down at his legs "And my calves Ambush and Bazooka!" He kiss his calves before posing for the flashing cameras

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