Interlude #3

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Hi everyone

I'm not going to put much up the top here, all I ask is that you read the authors not at the end, it will explain somethings that have happened and what will be happening.
If you have any questions, just ask away I will be more than happy to answer.


Hiccup ran as fast as he could, mud coating his boots as he ran through the village, he could hear growling from behind him. Thunder rang above him, the fierce rain dampened his auburn hair.

He swallowed a whimper as he heard a howl a fair distance behind him. He willed his legs to move faster but instead of what he wanted, he found himself slowing down. His lungs were burning, his legs were starting to feel numb, his heart almost beating out of his chest. The rain blurred his vision, causing him to wipe his eyes frantically with his hands.

He dodged trees, bushes, and stumbling occasionally over a tree root. He found himself walking carefully down a hill, but him being clumsy since birth, he slipped on a rock and began rolling down the hill.

With a yelp, he landed at the bottom. He laid there, hi whole body aching, his heart pounding inside his chest, his lung screaming for air. He forced himself to stand, but stumbled and landed on all fours.

He heard another howl.

He raised his head to look for somewhere, somewhere he could hide, but there was nothing but that large rock  in front of him and all the trees in front of him.

Another howl, this one closer than the last.

He turned to look behind him, up towards the hill and saw the Alpha wolf that had been howling. looking just behind the big wolf, and standing there were about 10 others, smaller than the alpha. though still very large.

Hiccup quickly crawled towards the rock, resting his back on it, while his whole body shook with fear.

The wolves padded down the hill, their yellow eyes glowing through the rain and the dark of the night.

the wolves spread out, surrounding him.

Hiccup felt tears slide down his cheeks, a sob was threatening to escape his mouth, but he forced it down.

'A Viking doesn't cry! A Viking fights to survive! A Viking doesn't cower!' Hiccup screamed at himself. He knew that any other viking would face these wolves head on and emerge victorious.

He however wasn't born one.

'Dad would be ashamed.' Hiccup thought to himself, his head lowering slightly.

A snarl ripped him from his thoughts, causing him to raise his head.

The wolves slowly crept towards him, their yellow eyes full of hunger.

Hiccup finally let a sob escape him, he let his had rest on his knees, hands covering his ears.

'is this how I'm going to die?! By a pack of wolves?!!' Hiccup screamed to himself.

'But is death such a bad thing?' A little voice whispered in his mind. 'You won't have to deal with the bullying anymore, you won't have to deal with Stoick's disappointed gaze anymore...'

'But there's still so much I want to do!! Learn to wield a weapon, explore different places, invent something the village would deem useful!' Hiccup responded.

'The moment you were born you were deemed the runt, your 'people' demanded that you be cast off into the unforgiving sea. Your father nearly complied, however your mother loved you so much she attacked anyone who dared get ten feet near you.'

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