Chapter 3: Prepared

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Normal P.O.V

The kingdom of Eldervale was known for many reasons, the amount of trading, the type of goods: food, money, fur, wood, weapons, jewellery and much more.

Eldervanions were trained to fight at the young age of 10, with their weapon of choice. The weapons they could choose from were; swords, axes, spears, bows and arrows, knifes, seax, and more.

When they turned eighteen, they choose their path. Whether to become a soldier, a baker, a blacksmith, even a fashion designer if they wanted. It's a choice each Eldervanion make on their own.

Whatever their choice, they will always have that weapon they chose and were trained to fight with.
The kingdom itself is expanded over three seperate islands, that are only connected by great wooden bridges. Ports both big and small line the islands with bots of all sizes.

Within the kingdom, the crime rate is very low. The reason?, the people are fairly happy,
And if someone were to steal something successfully, than they would wish they hadn't.

The castle of Queen Cecile sat atop one of the mountains. The dungeons of the castle lay deep within the mountain itself, hidden from people and hard to reach from invaders. In the winter time, the cells were very cold, much like Berk during the freeze, but, since it was summer, it was quite warm.

Hiccup could deal with the different temperature both rise and fall, but one thing he wonders,
Can he survive the immense blood loss?


Footsteps echoed the walls of the dungeon as Richard walked to Hiccups cell

"Rise and shine, Runt!!" Richard yelled into the cell at the boy with an evil smile plastered on his face.

He frowned when Hiccup showed him no response, drawing his sword, he bashed it against the cell bars making a loud 'CLANK!'.
Startled Hiccup sat up looking toward the source of the noise. Spotting what had caused it through blurry vision, seeing Richard standing there with a smirk of enjoyment.

"Well runt, todays the day," Richard said with a pleased smile on his face, "I want to give you a proper goodbye, so stand up!", Richard says, while he sheathed his sword.

Hiccup said nothing, but complied with his mind swirling with thoughts that scared him.
Richard spited the empty plait on the ground not to far away. "So, are you hungry, runt?"
Hiccup shook his head while not looking at the man that stood before him.
Missing the smirk that dotted Richards face, before said man responded
"Either way, your not getting anything", the smirk still on his face turned more wicked.
"It would just be a waist of food, wouldn't it?", asking that question at the end, Richard intended to get the boy think of what he meant. Hiccup knows what he meant, and it made him feel sick.

Richard reaches for the ring of keys around his belt, grabbing them and unlocking Hiccups cell. He grabbed the boy with force from his confinement of chains. "What no snarky remark? Nothing at all?"
Hiccup still didn't reply.

Richard shrugged to himself, before grabbing Hiccup by the scruff and leading him out the cell, and walking towards the torture room.
They past many cells, some were empty, some had one person residing within.
Every cell was the same, 10 feet by 10 feet, the same with the height as well. Not a single cell had a window, the atmosphere of the dungeon was what the people felt, fear and loss of hope.

For those who are prisoners had a family, a life to live. Hiccup didn't have a family but he had a mate, that being Toothless, although he didn't have as much heart ache as the other people residing down there, he still had some.

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