Chapter 9: Fake name.

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Hey everyone,

I want to apologise for the really long wait for this chapter, a lot of things have been happening and I've been working the hours of a full time even though I'm a casual on top of studying full time.

so I apologize its taken so long. 
I will be going through all my books and updating each and every one, this is the second book I've updated.

hope you enjoy.


After running to get Gobber like Gothi had requested she returned with the man hobbling along after her, coming into the hut Astrid stood at the entrance of the door way. watching Gothi patch up the mans injuries avoiding looking at his eye before that too was covered by bandages.
Watching the healer patch up the unknown man was interesting, she looked over the wounds and cleaned them as she went before wrapping them in bandages carefully with Gobber's help in moving him as she wrapped him. 
It was a process and it took a while but with the two of them they got the work done quickly and carefully, the stranger making a few grunting noises each time he was moved to look at more of the injuries. 

Once the duo were satisfied that they got all the injuries looked at, cleaned and wrapped they moved onto his eye.
while this happened Astrid stepped outside still unable to look at it without nearly barfing. 
Gothi moved right up next to the injure to get a better look and new it would need stitches and quite a bit of time to heal. that pared with constant care she thinks that the man may get some form of image through it in the future, but uncertain if that were true without taking a closer look.

Satisfied that they had stopped all bleeding and stitched where they needed to the duo left Astrid to watch the boy as they informed the council and chief of what has happened and the injuries the man has.  


Astrid watched as the man's bandaged chest rose up and down with each laboured breath he took. A bandage was wrapped around his forehead as well, covering his left eye, which had been cleaned and attended to by Elder Gothi while Gobber stood there handing her supplies. 

And according to Elder Gothi after a lot stitching and looking she had come to the conclusion this man won't be able to see out of his left eye ever again. 

Astrid had her eyes to the man's bandaged head. His good eye was closed, making Astrid wonder what colour his eye was.




Astrid mentally smacked herself, why would she be wondering about what colour this strange man's eye is?!!

The girl sighed tiredly, over her own thoughts about this strange man.

She has been sitting here for around an hour now while Elder Gothi was talking with the chief at the great hall along with Gobber. 

If she could, she would've gone back to throwing her axe at the trees, but Elder Gothi 'asked' her to look after this stranger. 
(And by asked she means more like demanded)

Why you ask?

Elder Gothi didn't tell her why, making her all the more curious. 

Like, why couldn't any of the other healers look after him? After all, they were experienced in healing and...stuff. They even could've gone and asked her mother to look after him, she need the experience after all as a healer in training.

So why her?

Astrid looked towards the platform ad saw the sun was beginning to set. 'Great' Astrid thought annoyed, 'I'm going to have to explain to mum about thy I'm home so late.'

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