Interlude #2

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I'm sorry I haven't updated in a little bit, I'm just going through some stuff and re-reading the original chapter that I base this off I had to change and add things to the way I wanted to make sense, but please tell me if it doesn't.

Hope you enjoy.

Five years ago
Normal P.O.V

Fifteen year old Hiccup trudged through the forest yet again. For the forest was the only place he could go were he felt at peace and no judgment.

As he was walking Hiccup lifted on of his hand to the side of his face, were a bruise was slowly forming, once Hiccup touched it he winced. Numerous bruises were all over his body, yet this was the only one that was visible.

Hiccup sighed, 'at least Snotlout didn't bring the twins'. Whenever the twins joined the beating, he always ended up bleeding by the end of their torment.

Hiccup walked through the forest without looking were he was going, being called 'Hiccup the Useless' made him avoid the village more, and spent most of his time in the forest. He practically had the hole forest mapped out in his head.

He thought back to the beating that happened earlier, back to what Snotlout had said to him.

'Why weren't you thrown to the sea?! The chief could have saved himself the embarrassment! He could have saved himself from having a useless son like you!'

Those words stung much more than it should have done. Stoick was barely ever home, and even if he was home he would be looking at Hiccup with nothing but disappointment, or he was yelling at him because of something he had messed up.

At least his mother would have loved him, well, he wouldn't really know, since his mother was killed when Hiccup was just a baby.
But Gobber told him how much his mother had loved him. How she would yell at Stoick when he woke Hiccup up from his nap. How she would sing a song for him, a lullaby that would make him stop crying and fall back to sleep. How she would protect Hiccup from the villagers that demanded that he be thrown to the sea.

A single tear escaped his eye, but he wiped it away quickly
'A Viking never shows his weakness' Hiccups father had once told him.

He felt that if his mother were alive, she would have supported his inventions to help kill the dragons. He would have told her how much it hurt him when the other kids that were supposedly his friends made fun of him and beat him along with ignored him.

She would support him, comfort him, defend him, and most importantly. She would listen to him. She would have do everything to help him.
But the fact that, that she was gone-dead-makes him feel as though he should be dead too.

He wanted to be away from the pain away front when hurtful words.
And into the comfort of his mothers arms, he wanted to be surrounded by the same love that she gave him when he was just a baby.
He hated the fact the he only new what Gobber had told him. He wanted to know his mother like any other child his age does, yet for him, that's not possible.

His father would never never talk about his mother. And Hiccup hatted him for it, because he wanted to know.

Hiccup jumped onto a fallen tree before sitting down.
He reached his hand into his fur vest and pulled out a knife, that he himself forged.

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