Chapter 5: time to leave!

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Hey people,
I wanted to get this chapter out on Christmas because I wanted to, and it's a Christmas gift for you people who are reading this story.

Also question, does anyone play the songs that I put up for the chapters? If so do you like them?

I know it's shorter than the others but the original chapter which is what I'm going off is shorter as well, so it's kind of hard.

I hope you like it anyway.

Merry Christmas people.
Have a great time during Christmas

Bye people enjoy
With Toothless

Alright, we're halfway through with the plan. Toothless thought as they retraced their steps to get out of the dungeon. However I wonder WHY humans wished to build such a useless structure. Toothless let a low undetectable growl escape him as he thought that, because he new why people would build such a building, he just didn't understand why people needed such a big place like the castle.

Toothless couldn't help but worry about his mate that was currently passed out on his back, he felt the thick red liquid slide down his back to his left front paw moments before, but he ignore it.
When Hiccup had touched his snout, a strange sent reached his nose. A strange musk that could only belong to whomever had harmed his mate.
A human male.
He inwardly snarled at the disgusting human.

Oh if he found this human, he would make him pay, dearly.
No one, and I mean NO one, get away with hurting my mate!! Toothless thought angrily, spreading thinking of what he will do to this human. Although, now wasn't the right time, to hunt the human male down. His mates well-being came first. Always.

"We're almost out!" Skullcrusher informed them. They were running through a corridor that had a rather large balcony at the end.
Once they reached said balcony, they took off into the air.

With Richard

"We have just retrieved the cannons General!" Richard saluted, as he and many others aligned the cannons so that they were facing the town.
"Very well, load the cannons!!" General Adams ordered of the troops. A chorus of "Yes, sir!" Was echoed through the area of witch they stood as a response to the generals order.

Once the cannons were loaded, General Adam yelled very loudly so that all of the troops could hear what he had to say. "Aim towards those two larger beasts near the harbour! Avoid shooting the boats as much as possible.!"

"Yes sir!" All the soldier's replied in unison getting to work right after.

After they were set up. They took aim.
Toward the two Typhoomerangs.

The town

An Eldervanion screamed as he was thrown into the ocean by Torch.
Once the task was completed Torch chuckled to himself as he watched the human swim towards the shore of the docs "these humans are definitely not kin-killers" Torch pointed out.

"How can you be certain?" Asked a very confused Ruby, who was right beside him. As she whacked another human into the ocean with her wing. Oh, how pathetic these humans are
"They aren't prepared" at Ruby's ever growing confusion, Torch continued to explain.
"Usually kin-killers have a sort of signal that tells the other kin-killers that, we, dragons are getting close. That, and they know how to fight us, they know our um, what do they cal-oh, weak spots or blind spots."

"Oh" Ruby muttered less confused now

"Have you ever been in a kin-killer village before?" Torch turned his gaze towards Ruby.

" to be honest, well, no. My parents warned me about kin-killer villages, they made sure I never flew into kin-killer territory" Ruby explained
"How did you convince them to let you participate in this rescue mission?" Torch asked, as he whacked another annoying human into the ocean with his wing.
Ruby's face went solemn. "I-I didn't, actually, ask?" Ruby bowed her head after saying that.
Torches yellow eyes went wide as he realised what she meant. "O-oh I, um, s-sorry, for, um, making you uh, sad?" Torch stuttered. He mentally smacked himself with his wing. 'I'm sorry for making you SAD!' Torch screamed internally to himself.

Ruby giggled slightly "I-It's ok."
Clearly, Torch wasn't one for comforting people, er, dragons.
It was then they heard multiple BOOMS!
The two Typhoomerangs looked up to the sky to see cannonballs headed their way.

"Ruby, MOVE OUT OF THE WAY" Torch screamed as they quickly took to the air.
Not long after they had taken off cannonballs smashed into the ground a few seconds later.
'that was too close for comfort', Torch thought
It was after that thought, that a blue Thunderdrum appeared to the right of Torch. Thornado.
"are you two alright?" Thornado asked. They both nodded. "Good" Thornado turned to face the direction the cannonballs were coming from. "It seems that the humans have gotten new weapons"

Thank you captain obvious....

Thornado continued "hopefully Toothless and the other two have gotten Hiccup"
"I'm sure they have reached him by now" Torch responded, nodding. "We have to hold out until they give the signal"
Ruby and Thornado nodded as the three of them returned to throwing the humans into the sea.

Witch shortly turned into a fun game after a while.

With Toothless

Toothless and Skullcrusher flapped their wings furiously, avoiding cannonballs occasionally. Sharpshot was the eyes of the group of three, telling them when a cannonball was heading their way, since the larger two were focused on getting to the centre of the thee islands.

Where all the dragons that were there, was most likely to see the signal.
Toothless hoped that Hiccup would last until they got back home to their small little camp. Most likely he will, since the sun will rise soon.

Once the three of them reached the centre of the three islands Skullcrusher and Toothless each released blasts at the same time and same spot in the sky creating a Minnie explosion (picture above) that every dragon was able to see.

To all the dragons the message was perfectly clear. 'Time to leave!'

Words - 939
Another thing
Does anyone else do this?
That they just keep reading story's and forget to archive them and they just keep building up. Well I've done that and it got to the point we're it was just over a 1000 story's so for the past 3 weeks I've been trying to get that down to 0, I'm almost there currently on 26 story's left. But also with the help of a new reading list that I created to put some in that I don't want to read at the moment.
Does anyone else do that??

Sorry to bother you

Hope you like the story people

Again merry Christmas

Don't forget to
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