15. Date

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We were sitting in the cafe.

We got our coffee and I looked at Michael who was sitting in front of me, taking sips from his pumpkin latte. Today was the last day they were selling them until fall again so I took one as well.

"Sooo..." Michael hummed looking at me, playing with the straw of the cup it was in.

"Like what are we now? We both love each other. Also you said it so randomly it kinda scared me." He told me resting his hand under his chin to keep his head up.

"I-I don't know what we are. All I know i-is that I love you and I-I c-care about you alot." I stuttered out, taking a sip from my coffee.

"Well since we both don't know. Let me take you out on a date tonight to that new fancy restaurant here in London. Does that sound good to you? We'll take things slow."

"Sounds good." I smiled softly and looked down at my hands.

"Move aside motherfuckah!" Ashton shouted excited as he pushed me to the side so he could take a seat next to me. Luke sat down next to Michael and hummed.

"Hey Ashy." I hugged him and kissed his cheek. He hugged me tightly, "I missed you."

"We saw eachother last night silly." I laughed.

"I know but still." He kissed my neck and I looked at Michael who huffed, probably a bit jealous. Can't blame him I get jealous quickly too.

"Let's go to my place." Luke offered.

I shrugged, "Sure why not?"

"I haven't been there in forever." Michael said finishing his pumpkin latte and stealing mine. I didn't say anything though he can have it. I'll take the fancy wine from Luke's place or just rich people water.

"Let's go then. We can have a sleepover again?" Ashton asked looking at us.

"Oh Michael and I are going out tonight." I told them. They shot looks to eachother and Luke grinned at me. "A date?"

It was quiet and I felt the heat rise to my cheeks. Michael was blushing as well, wow I never see that but he looks adorable. He nodded, "Yeah a date since Calum and I...love...eachother." He stammered at the end not believing I in fact did love him.

"Well you could both still come after." Luke said raising his eyebrow. "We'll have pizza and you can have fancy things." He chuckled at the end.

"Fine we'll come." I hummed.

"Great! Now you can finally give me head!" Ashton shouted through the cafe for everyone to hear.

"Ashton!" I yelled and slapped his arm making him giggle uncontrollably.

He stopped after a while of seeing me pout and slap away his touching. Michael laughed and shook his head.

"I need to use the bathroom." I announced before heading there and going into one of the stalls. I peed and washed my hands after.

"Hey." I recognized the voice and looked up through the mirror seeing that it was Jordan.

"I'm not sorry for your loss." He commented glaring at me. My suprised face fell and I wiped my hands on my jeans. "You should be. It was your uncle who killed them anyways and for what? There's not a single reason that makes this all good! It's a shame actually! How your uncle, the mayors brother who was friends to my dad and my mom just stabbed them in the back!" I snapped slapping across the face hard. My hand burned after but I couldn't give a damn.

"Watch your mouth!" He groaned grabbing my neck and pushing me into the stall. I squirmed and tried to push him off me. "Because of your family my mom died!" He shouted at me. "Then I used that little body of yours and now my uncle finally killed your family! You're next to go!"

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