7. Disturbing

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I quickly pulled away from the kiss realizing what I was doing. The feeling of guilt washed over me and I teared up. I started breathing heavily and Michael started to panick, "F-Fuck! I-I'm so sorry! I-I got carried away.." I bit my lip and shook my head quickly. I heard something drop behind me and gulped, I turned around and saw a girl standing there.

"Michael?!" The girl shouted at him, angrily.

Michael turned around and stood up quickly seeing her. "Oh my god! Ariana I-I'll explain!"

"You guys are dating!" I shouted confused and hurt. I teared up even more and felt a tear roll down my cheek. I know i've only known him for like two days but I was still hurt that he was playing with my feelings.

Michael looked torn between us, he was breaking down so I ran away with my stuff not wanting to be any part of this. Instead of going home I went to my favourite place, Asthon's place. I've been running for quite a while now, thank god I play soccer or else I would've passed out already.

I started walking as I saw his house getting closer and closer. I knocked on his door and hoped he was still awake so I didn't have to go to my house. I grabbed my phone, texting my mother I was at Ashton's. He opened the door and he looked like a mess, hair all exploded, his sweatpants on and a grey shirt with some food stains, (probably chips).

I entered the house and ran to his room after kicking my shoes off. I flopped onto his bed and felt him sit down next to me. "Why the sudden visit?" He asked, rubbing my back.

"Luke's brother aka Michael kissed me! The worst thing is that I like him and he's dating the popular girl in our class! Fucking Ariana Grande!" I shouted into his pillow. Ariana also was Jordan's little sister so what happened he must've heard from her. I'm fucked.

I turned on my back and watched Ashton who stared at me with an open mouth. "I-I..uhh wow..that's a-a lot to process."

He rubbed his eyes and sighed, looking at me. "You and your quick developing feelings." He giggled and pushed me playfully.

"Hey! He kissed me not the other way around." I laughed and watched Ashton who burst into laughter.

"Why did you come here though?" He asked, laying down on the bed.

"Because you give advise and you're like a dad to me. You are the daddy of the friend group." I answered.

"Well, you're the mom and Luke is our precious child." He smiled as he pulled me closer by my waist. He hugged me tightly. "You can stay here tonight. Don't forget to get up quickly some of your books at your house, hm."

"Yes honey pie." I said the last two words with a southern accent.

He shook his head and laughed, "Don't do that accent Cal! It sounds weird!"

"Aw heck no. How dare you to call my accent weird!" I continued to talk in that accent, making Ash crack up even more.

"Where should I sleep?" I asked in my normal voice.

"In my bed. It has room for two plus I'm not letting you sleep on the floor." He replied smiling.

"Okay." I smiled softly while picking up my phone. I started scrolling through Instagram and liked some pictures on the way. Ninety percent of the stuff I see daily are dogs and the other ten percent are turtles.

"When does your cast get removed?" Ash asked curiously, looking at my wrist.

"Like over a week of two." I voiced.

"Oh so when we have the school dance for the beginning of spring?" He said.

"Yeah, but I don't think I'm going." I answered sighing, putting my phone away.

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