Key To My Heart(SasuSaku Valentines special preview

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(A/N: Hey everyone! So the Valentines sequel is done but cannot be posted yet so instead here's a nice preview of what's to come in Key To My Heart. And before you read it no its not the first chapter and not a full chapter this is only half of a chapter from the story so once you get to this part in the story keep reading because there is more to it. So read on!!!)


"So I was thinking maybe some ramen, or rice and beef. Oh! How about some pizza!?" I rambled while Sasuke and I zig zagged threw the crowded streets.
"You really think the pizza place won't be crowded today?" Sasuke muttered behind me, looking back I frowned. His expression was cold and he sounded like he'd rather be anywhere else but here right now. Smiling I made him carry the roses he got for me as we walked into the pizza parlor. "See its super packed." Sasuke said giving me a smirk, looking around I snapped my fingers. The look on his face was priceless, a few waiters led us threw the crowded room then into the back where there were more tables with couples staring dreamily into each others eyes. "Here you go ma'am." A waiter said leading us to an empty table, I sat down on one end while Sasuke sat across from me. The waiter took our orders then lit a small candle and left us alone.

Sasuke sighed and stared at the flame of the candle. I cleared my throat, "So Sasuke-kun what were you going to do all day?" I asked. He glanced at me, "Just sit at home, but then Naruto bugged me this morning." he said taking a drink of his soda. "He kept telling me to go buy him some special chocolate flavored ramen." He said. I wrinkled my nose, "That sounds disgusting." I said. He chuckled and nodded, hearing him laugh made my heart start to beat faster. Blushing I smiled as they brought us a large meat lovers pizza, and then we sat eating in silence until we heard Narutos voice.

"Hey Sakura-chan! And teme!!!" He cheered walking toward us while dragging a silent blushing Hinata behind him. Pulling up a table right by ours he and Hinata joined us. Hinata sat by my side while Naruto sat by Sasuke who was glaring at the blonde with hate filled eyes. "So Hinata your with Naruto today?" I asked. She blushed and nodded that's when Sasuke got up and started walking off. "Excuse me guys ill be right back." I said as I chased after Sasuke. "Hey where you going!?" I called after him once we were out side, he stopped but didn't turn to face me. "I'm going home before you can cook up anymore stupid lovey dovey crap to do today." he replide coldly, tears threatened to fall. "I....I just want to be with you on this day Sasuke....I thought we were good together now. I just want to make you happy." I said my voice cracking. "Sakura Its not my happiness you should be worried about. Think about yourself, could you be happy with someone like me?" he asked turning to face me. "I love you Sasuke!" I said. He shook his head, "So you have no feelings for me!?" I practically screamed at him. His cold eyes bore into me, "Sakura...I can be possessive,cruel and cold. I...I can't be with someone like you." he said looking away, that was it. I woke up loving today, loving Valentines day but just like that it all crumbled.

Tears started falling down my cheeks, I saw pain flash threw his features then he turned to walk away. "Oh...and I didn't buy you those flowers Naruto did." and with that he left me there sobbing, my love had left me on Valentines day. My whole day had just fell apart.

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