Sequel's name and release date

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Hello everyone!!! So the chosen name for this stories sequel shall be called Key to My Heart and will be released either a few days before or on Valentines day!! I have already begun working on chapters for this story and I hope its as good as most of you are expecting. Ill try my best for all my readers. Ok I'm done rambling, be on the look out, its coming soon. And feel free to check out my other Sasusaku stories, Theres two different series, first the Cherry Blossom series,There are three books in the series. Cherry blossom Sharigan, Sunset and the newest Sunrise. Also there is my Sasuke and Sakura series which also has three books in it. They are Sasuke and Sakura:A week to remember,Black scorpion scroll and the newest Demon behind the mask which are all dedicated to the lovely AmericaS16. Ok ok.I'm done rambling for real now, Bye!!!! :-))

Christmas Carol:Sasuke styleOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora