Christmas Past-Kakashi

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I was finally comfortable and almost asleep when my alarm clock started beeping. I grunted and reached over to smack the snooze button but when I did it still continued to beep.Looking over I saw that the time was midnight, 'It shouldn't be going off at all.' I thought, 'Wait I just closed my eyes a few minutes ago how can two hours just go by without me knowing?' I asked myself.

"Wow your a heavy sleeper. Took me like twenty minutes to even get you to move." Came a voice. Kakashi sat at the edge of my bed with his book in hand, he looked up at me then gave me a hidden smile.

"Kakashi? What in the he..."

"No no. I only took the form of the one who knows your past best, I'm not really your sensie. I am the ghost of Christmas past." He said flipping a page in his book.

I got up out of bed, "Yeah right, I don't believe in ghost now what want Kakashi?" I asked. Kakashi shook his head, "Maybe the reason it took me so long to wake you was because you don't listen. I'm not your sensie I only took the form of the one who knows your past best." He said standing.

"Prove it then." I growled. He gave me a huff then closed his book.

"Touch my vest." He said.

"What?" I asked confused.

"Touch. My. Vest " He repeated slowly emphasizing each word.

"No. Now get out or ill put you out." I said.He took a step toward me, grabbed my hand and placed it on his shoulder then just like that we were no longer standing in my apartment. Now we stood in my room back in the Uchiha mansion before my parents death.

"How?" I sputtered. He gave a laugh then patted my shoulder, "Its ok. It can always be a lot to take in at first. But do you remember this?" He questioned. Just the the door to the room slid open and a younger version of myself walked in with a women right behind me.She had beautiful straight black hair and shining onyx eyes that matched her perfect pale complection.

"That' mom." I said slowly taking a step toward the younger me and the women who was ripped out of my life before her time.

"I don't know why." Younger me said to her; she gave a suppressed laugh then helped me change my shirt.

"Well I think maybe she likes you. She is a nice girl you know." Our mom said.

"I remember this..." I said as I continued to watch unable to tear my gaze away.

"Eww mom girls are gross. But I still don't understand why if you are under a missletoe you have to kiss whoever else is there with you. I think maybe she planned it." Young me said as he slid on another shirt.

"This is after I came home from school for Christmas break. Sakura had tricked me to stand under a missletoe with her then she kissed my cheek. I couldn't understand why she was supposed to do that." I said. Kakashi looked on without replying, "I mean I didn't mind that she kissed me I just don't understand why a girl would want to do that." Little me said causing his mom to laugh.

"Its the same reason why I kiss you honey. I love you and this girl has feelings for you to." She said as she started dinner.

"Sakura has feelings for me?" Little me asked.

"Its possible honey but ill explaine more of that later. Right now go find Itachi please." She said. Little Sasuke nodded and ran off to do as his mother said unaware of his older self watching.

"Well? How does watching this make you feel?" Kakashi asked.

"It doesn't." I quickly replide.

"Ok. On to Christmas day then." He said as again the scene changed.

This time my family sat around the Christmas tree opening presents.

"This is the last one and its for you Sasuke." My father said handing a big wrapped in pink to my younger self.

Young me ripped furiously at the wrapping, until finally it was all gone and left in its place was a small wooden picture frame and within the frame was a picture of me and a smiling girl with pink hair.

"Aww that's sweet." My mom said causing younger me to blush.

"Who is this girl?" My father asked looking at the picture.

"That's a friend of mine, Sakura Haruno." Young me replide.

"Looks like Sasuke has a little girlfriend." Teased Itachi. I frowned at him and looked down at the picture.

"I love Christmas!" Little me cheered.

The scene returned us back to me dark apartment.

"Well what changed Mr?" Kakashi asked. I looked away, it blew my mind how I had almost forgotten all that.

"Nothing. I was a stupid kid, I hate Christmas and that won't change." I said. Kakashi shook his head the snapped a finger, "Well I tried, but heed my words Sasuke Uchiha. There will still be two more ghost, don't let your pride and ego cause you to be alone forever." He said fading into the darkness. I rubbed my head then laid back down in my bed, this time I unplugged my alarm clock and tried once again to fall asleep. Keyword tried.

To be cont...

Christmas Carol:Sasuke styleWhere stories live. Discover now