It begins-Itachi

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I sat my coat down on the back of my small chair and went to the kitchen to grab me a tomato. On the way back to my front room I grabbed a book that I've been wanting to finish and sat down in my chair. I was right in the middle of a battle scene when my t.v just decided to turn itself on, I glanced up but completely ignored it. If you know me I'm not one to be scared of the dark or what's in it. I continued to read intently, until someone cleared their throat. Your talking about someone getting up fast, I jumped to my feet with katana in hand. The person who was now standing across from me was my older brother Itachi. He gave me a sad smile then rubbed his wrist which were chained up to heavy weights, "I'm already dead Sasuke so the sword won't do you much good." He Said. His form flickered like the flame of a candle in the breeze, "Now please sit down we have much to discuss and little time to discuss it."

I hesitated but slowly lowered my sword, he was right, he was dead I should know because I killed him. But this time wasn't like the last time I had saw him when together we fought Kabuto during the war.I sat down as did he the chains gave off an eerie rattle as he sat.

"Why in the hell are you here. I thought you moved on." I asked.

"I've been sent back with a special mission that's just for you." He said.

"Back from where? And what's with the chains?" I asked annoyed. He replide with a laugh then shook his wrist causing the chains to rattle.

"That's unimportant right now. Sasuke why do you not like Christmas?" He asked. My eyes widened at the unexpected question.

"Because its a pointless holiday that people spend together for no reason." I replide.

"So you won't even spend it with your friends?"

"You know as well as I do that not very many people consider me a friend." I said taking a bite of my tomato."True but they all respect you plus a few friends are better then none at all. What about Naruto? He's having a Christmas party right? Why don't you go, that girl with the pink hair that loves you will be there." Itachi said.

"I hate parties and I don't care that Sakura will be there. True we've gotten closer since the war but she knows I hate parties." I growled.

"Then you leave me no choice. Listen and listen good, you will be visited by three ghost tonight." He said.

"Please as if I believe in ghost, I'm probably in bed dreaming right now." I said rolling my eyes.

"I'm being serious Sasuke. Three ghost tonight, if I were you id pay close attention to them. That's my only warning."

"Ok sounds fun, whatever now go away." I said standing.He shook his head and looked up at me, "Please Sasuke stop being so cold. I've warned you brother, mom and dad say they love you." His last words shook me.

"Get out!" I yelled and just like that he faded away leaving behind no trace of him ever being there.

I sighed and flipped off my t.v just then my phone rang.I looked at the caller I.d to see Sakuras name lit up. I gave my hundredth sigh that night and picked it up, "Yeah?" I said.

"Oh hi Sasuke-kun, I just wanted to see if you wanted to come with me to Narutos party tomorrow night." Her cheery voice said from the other side of the line.

"Sakura you know I hate parties plus it'd be pointless to show up at a place I'm not really wanted." I said. Automatically I could hear the disappointment in her tone as she replide, "Oh ok Sasuke-kun, I figured id at least ask you. Well i've got to go night." I hung the phone up and made my way over to my bed where id try to get some rest after the weird day I've had that may be a little difficult.

To be cont...

Christmas Carol:Sasuke styleOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz