Christmas Future: Sakura

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*Spoilers if you Havnt read Naruto chapters 699 and 700*

I turned and met the dull emerald of Sakura's eyes. Her signature pink hair looked the same with the exception of the small red hair clip that parted her bangs. She looked notably older but still beautiful as ever and she had a small purple diamond shape in the middle of her forehead, all she wore was a long black cloak. "Sakura are you ok?" I asked but she didn't answer, she just continued to stare at me. I looked around that's when I noticed the two new hokage faces carved into the mountain. Both I knew well, the first was my masked sensie and of course he still had his mouth hidden. The other made me smile, my bestfriends face was carved into the hokages mountain showing he was the new hokage. "So Naruto finally did it?" I questioned again Sakura stayed silent.

I turned back to her, "Sakura what's going on? Why won't you talk to me?" I asked. She gave me a blank stare then slightly pointed toward a house behind her, I nodded in understanding and walked toward the house. Sakura silently followed, once we grew closer to the house the front door opened and a little boy with short choppy black hair came running out in the street.

"Daiu GET BACK IN HERE!" Came a voice from the door of the house, Sakura stood there with her arms crossed and an angry expression on her face. The boy turned back toward her and sighed, "But mom..." He started.

"No buts mr, you get back in here now." She said. The boy gave another sigh then said, "I want to go see uncle Sasuke." He said causing me to raise an eyebrow. Turning back to the Sakura who was the ghost of Christmas future I said, "I thought I was the one who ended up with Sakura. Now I'm an uncle?"

She stayed silent but nodded, she raised her hand then waved it between us. The surroundings seemed to melt away until we stood by the K.I.A stone,(A/N:Killed in action for those who don't know.)

The boy and Sakura were there laying flowers at the base of the stone. The boy put his hands on the stone, "I hope you have a good Christmas uncle Sasuke. I miss you." My blood ran cold, not only had Sakura not ended up with me but I was killed in battle sometime. Sakura wiped some tears out of her eyes then picked the little boy and gave him a kiss on the forehead, "Come on lets go see if daddy's off work." She said and together they walked off. I stepped closer to the stone, sure enough there it was. My name carved into the stone, 'Sasuke Uchiha' I shook my head.

"No this can't be right...I couldn't have died in battle." I said. "What battle!? When?!" I yelled at Sakura who just stared unemotional back at me.

"So the Christmas future is that ill be dead?" I gasped.

"The future is never set in stone. You have a chance to change it. To do so is your choice." She mumbled. Again she waved her hand and again our surroundings changed, this time we stood in the hokages office.

"So what do we do now?" Came a voice. Three man stood in front of the large desk, sitting behind the desk was a short haired Naruto .

"Look I get what you mean but ill fight them." He said.

"That's stupid and suicidal. Without the other half of the sages power you can't seal him away." Shikamaru said. He stood with Kiba and Sai at his side, each of them looked older and different.

"And I can't just sit here and let him kill everyone! Ill fight him and do all I can!!" Naruto yelled. He gave an irritated growl and turned to look out the window, "Great now its snowing. Guys go home and be with your families." Naruto said.

"But sir..." Shikamaru started.

"Shikamaru its Christmas so please don't argue. Go be with your families, we will figure this out tomorrow but until then I'm going home to be with my beautiful wife and kids." He said. The other only nodded and filed out the door. Naruto sighed and sat in his chair, still staring out the window at the silent snowy night he muttered almost to himself, "Damn it Sasuke, I could really use your help. I don't know how I'm going to save them..."

"Don't worry Naruto ill find a way to help you some how!" I yelled but of course he didn't hear me. I turned back to Sakura and grabbed her by the collar of her cloak, "Change this!" I yelled.

She shook her head then she placed a skeletal hand on top of my own. I jumped back, "What are you?" I asked. She looked down at both of her skeletal hands then back up at me, she gave me a bloody smile. Her mouth was full of broken teeth, her pale skin started to be cut and peeled off as she continued to approach me. I took a step back only to trip over my feet and fall backwards toward the floor, only instead of hitting the floor I just continued to fall and fall until everything went black.


I groaned and sat up in my bed, I looked over at the clock. It was only ten thirty, all of the stuff I was just shown was true and now thankful I had a chance to make it all right. After all I love Christmas.

I jumped up out of bed, got dressed and headed to my bestfriends Christmas party and to find my pink haired love.

To be cont...

Christmas Carol:Sasuke styleWhere stories live. Discover now