Christmas Epilogue

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This is now in the future, Sasuke and Sakura are married with a six year old daughter named Sarada.

Third person

"Honey can you find the lights?" Sakura asked from the living room, she sat on the floor glaring at the half way put together Christmas tree. Sasuke walked in with a box full of decorations and sat them down beside her, "Here they are. You sure you want to go threw the trouble of putting this together?" he asked giving a smirk at her pout.

"Yes its a special Christmas, Sarada will be so excited." Sakura said as she took the huge ball of tangled Christmas lights out of the box, giving an agitated sigh she started trying to work threw them.

Sasuke grew amused watching his pink haired lover grow annoyed with the lights.

"Here ill take care of these why don't you rest you've worked hard." He said taking the ball of tangled lights from her. She gave him a nod and sat in the small recliner, Sasuke expertly worked threw and untangled the lights easily causing Sakura to pout again. Standing she helped him finish putting the tree together then wrapping the lights around it just in time for Naruto, Hinata and their two kids to come walking in.

"You know baka just because your the hokage now doesn't mean you can just walk into anyone's house." Sasuke said giving his annoying blonde friend a smirk. Naruto gave him a laugh, "No teme just yours." He replide.

"Aunt Sakura where's Sarada?" Questioned Narutos oldest, Bolt. Sakura smiled and ruffled his hair, "She's upstairs in her room, go ahead and get her to come down." She said, the blonde boy gave a large smile then ran up the stairs.

"Sorry we can't stay to long guys, we just came to tell you all merry Christmas. Bolt wouldn't stop bugging us to come over so he could see Sarada." Naruto chuckled. Hinata and Sakura took Narutos other kid a little girl into the kitchen to get her a cookie.

Naruto patted Sasuke on the back, "Can you believe how everything turned out" He asked. Thinking back to the past Sasuke could honestly say that no he couldn't believe how everything turned out. Its been a long time but Sasuke still remembered clearly that one Christmas. He shook his head and crossed his arms, "But I'm glad that they turned out how they did. We're lucky to have our families." Naruto nodded as he watched Hinata and his two children talk to Sakura and Sarada.

"Alright. You guys ready?" Naruto asked, the kids gave an 'aww' but reluctantly agreed. "Merry Christmas guys." Naruto said before he shut the door behind him. "So daddy when does Santa give me presants?" Sarada asked as she wrapped her arms around her fathers legs. Sasuke bent down and picked up his small bundle of joy, Sakura came over and hugged her raven haired loves. Sasuke wrapped his free arm around his cherry blossom then he placed a soft kiss on his daughters forehead, "If your good then maybe Santa will have some presants for you." He replide.

His daughter gave him a smile, "Daddy what's that mean?" She asked pointing up, looking up Sasuke was taken aback by the sight of the mistletoe that hung over their heads.

"That's called a mistletoe honey. You kiss people under it like this." Sakura said as she leaned in and kissed her lover. "I love you Sasuke-kun." Sakura whispered, Sasuke didn't have time to reply as he gave her a smile then Sarada made an eww sound. Now this was the best Christmas ever for Uchiha family.

"Well that settles that." Christmas past said rubbing his hands together.

"Yep. Now on to our next person." Christmas present said taking out a scroll. The three spirits sat watching the happiness they had helped create threw the window.

"We have a lot of people on the list..." Christmas future sweatdropped.

"Yeah, Who are these people?" Past asked reading off the names.

"Katness Everdean? Vagetta?, The doctor?" Present read off.

"And who the heck is Gandolf, Link, Sailor moon, and Ebanezer Scrooge?" Future asked annoyed.

"We have our work cut out for us. Come on you two. Lets get started." Past sighed. Together the three spirits disappeared off to save others Christmas's.


(A/N: So there's the end I hope you enjoyed this story. I tried my best and as my first holiday Sasuke and Sakura story I say it turned out ok. So thanks to everyone who reads and MERRY EARLY CHRISTMAS Unless you read this on or after Christmas and if you celebrate it. And in case you didn't know the random peoples names at the end are in order from The Hunger Games, Dragon Ball Z, Dr.Who, Lord of the rings, Legend of Zelda, Sailor moon, and the original guy from the original Christmas Carol. Ok I'm done now sorry for rambling. BYE XD)

Christmas Carol:Sasuke styleDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora