I Was So Afraid

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After returning back to Scott's home, Tubbo threw the bag onto the floor and trudged his way up the stairs. The Way-Stones clearly have it out for him. Making his way to the bed, his head started to fog with more worrying thoughts about Scott. Its been almost 2 hours now and he still hasn't gotten any confirmation about his health.

But Tubbo had to brush it off. This is for Scott, he thought. He needed to stay strong for the older male, the one he sees as a older brother figure.

And also because he doesn't want Scott to know he... almost killed someone out of pure rage.

Shaking that plaguing memory, Tubbo threw himself onto the bed and took in a deep sigh. The world seemed to have crumbled down the moment Tubbo was brought here, without his best friend to be by his side. Speaking of which...

What happened with Tommy?

He remembered very faintly the two of them talking late at night before Tubbo woke up... here. Was Tommy worried for him? Was he running around the nation, desperate to find him? Can his best friend even make contact with him? Oh how Tubbo wished he can close his eyes and wake up back on L'manburg's land. But... he couldn't. Not when Scott needed him the most.

He needs help. He needs all the help to break the curse. And Tubbo was going to help him.

Whether Scott likes it or not.

Even if it cost Tubbo his life...

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The sound of static jostled the younger male awake, almost throwing himself out of bed. Grumbling in annoyance, Tubbo reached for the Communicator and turned it on. "Hello?" God, his voice sounded dry as hell.

"You alright Tubbo?" A soft Scottish voice broke through. Suddenly, Tubbo didn't feel tired anymore. Scrambling up into a seating position with his legs crossed, Tubbo let out a sigh of relief.

"You're awake!" Tubbo cried, a grin growing on his face.

"Tone your voice Tubbo, my head is still killing me." The Scottish man groaned, but a carefree laughter filled in. "How have you been?"

"Can I come see you? I can help you get back here!"

"No, stay over at the house. I'll be over as soon as possible. Besides, I need to talk to you about something." Oh no.

"About... what?" Tubbo nervously asked.

"Its nothing bad!" Scott quickly responded.

"You always said that and it was always something bad." Tubbo whined back. "But okay. I'll trust you for this."

"Thank you Tubbothy. I'll be there before you know it!" And with that, the communicator went back to staic, filling the room once again.

Taking a breather, Tubbo leaned back and bumped his head on the wall, letting the serotonin of the static fill his mind. Scott was okay, he's still alive. He's not dead... yet, thankfully. What the hell was he thinking? Of course he will still be alive! He only has six lives left!

Drumming his fingers on his lap, Tubbo started to think back on the conversation with Shubble. He'll have to ask Scott about it later. He needed answers if he was going to help Scott. The silver chain with a single red heart clasped on that was tied around his neck seem to grow cold. Huffing, Tubbo reached behind his neck and went to untie the necklace, only to realize the clip-on wasn't even there anymore.

Guess Scott was right about this curse. Its permanent until he finds a way to break it.

His train of thoughts were broken as he heard the sound of the Way-Stone's wind, singling someone was here. Scrambling off the bed, Tubbo ran down the stairs and to the front door, swinging it open. Scott yelped, jumping back a little in order to not get his face smashed by the unannounced swing of the door.

"You're back!!" Tubbo grinned, throwing himself around Scott, embracing him into a hug.

"Wha-!" Scott jumped, stumbling back. But that shock was soon replaced by a laughter and the returned embrace. "Hey Tubbo."

"I was so scared! A guy named Fwhip called on the community and told me about your condition so I ran over to the Way-Stone and then he took me to the Infirmary building where another guy was there but I didn't catch his name and-"

"Jesus Tubbo, calm down!" Scott smiled, ruffling his hair. "Fwhip already told me what happened." The two entered inside the house, Scott throwing himself onto the couch, motioning Tubbo to sit on the chair next to it.

"He did?"

"Especially the part about how you almost killed Jimmy."

"Ah, I saw this coming." Tubbo mumbled, sitting down on the comfortable chair, bring his knees to his chest.

"I don't blame you. However, you have to be mindful of his hearts. If you would've killed him right then and there, he would then have 7 hearts." Scott explained, fiddling with his 4 orange hearts that clasped on his golden chain.

"Oh.. I wasn't thinking." Tubbo stayed quiet for a moment, the realization kicking in. "I'm sorry."

"Its fine, you are new here so you get a pass." Scott answered back. The pure quietness of the house filled in before Tubbo decided to speak up.

"Is there anyone... close to death right now?" Scott looked at Tubbo, a dumbfounded expression resting instead of his natural light smile. With a heavy sigh, Scott looked out the window, his expression seeming to fall.

"Yeah. His name is Jack."

"How many hearts does he have?" Tubbo flinched as he watched Scott give the side eyes before returning to look back at the window.

"10 hearts. He dies one more time, he dies permanently. We've been doing everything we can to make sure he doesn't die, but it's been difficult."

"How come?"

"Jack and Lizzie... have connected lives. If one dies, the other dies as well. If Lizzie were to get herself killed... Jack would 'cease to breathe' and a funeral would be held." Scott breathed out, turning his attention back to Tubbo. "It's the main reason I don't want you to hurt yourself. I don't want you to end up like Jack."

"Why are their lives connected?"

"Lizzie placed a curse on him, hoping he would steer clear of the Coven. But, as you can see, it didn't really work out." Scott laughed nervously.

"The Coven?" Tubbo perked up, immediately sitting upright. "What's that?"

"It's a group that my friend Joey made in rebellion against Jeremyism." Seeing his confused look, Scott sighed. "I would tell you what it is but the whole rebellion is just children games."

"Oh." Tubbo hummed, leaning back into the chair. "Are you part of the Coven or Jeremyism?"

"I use to be part of the Coven before I left. They let me leave after they apparently sense some 'Bad Energy' coming forth to me." Scott explained, waving his hand around. "Funny enough, I left just 2 weeks before you came around."

"Ah, I see." Tubbo sighed, dropping his gaze to the bag that was on the floor. The same bag that carried the five journals.

"Alright, what's wrong with you?" Scott asked, sitting up with a obvious look painted on his face.


"You always fill the silence with light talk. And you aren't doing that today. Something is on your mind." Scott called out, seeing how Tubbo's face twisted into his signature 'damn, he knows something' face.

"Well... I wanna ask you something." Tubbo breathe out, a guilty sigh slipping through as well. "I was talking to Shelby over some Golden Flower Tea and I-"

"Get to the point Tubs." Scott laughed.

"Right, sorry." Tubbo snapped his mouth shut.

"What was it like? Having one life for 3 years?" If Scott was pale when Tubbo visited him in the Infirmary, then it couldn't top the color that was now drained from Scott's face.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 12, 2021 ⏰

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