We Believe

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Hailee here!

People who are opposed to Christianity.... Please just bear with me. All I ask is that you read this chapter. And the next. You're free to go after that if you want. I hope this will have an impact. I hope this will help you.

So being in public school for a little over a week, I've been exposed to a lot of nonbelievers. Or people that just don't know WHAT to believe.

I know I'm supposed to be working on the Evolution chapter of this, but that's going to take a lot of research that I don't really have time for right now. But don't worry. That will come. Just not yet.

So, anyway, the main thing I've noticed is that people don't understand what we believe.

So I will attempt-with Brooke's help-to clear it up for people.

Yes, it's going to be pretty confusing. Even I don't understand completely a lot of things. From a world standpoint, it's pretty much impossible. But I know it's true. The next chapter of this will explain HOW I know it's true.

Of course I won't explain absolutely everything; that would take years to read, and even longer to write. I'm just going to explain the main things.

We believe that God is the creator of all. There is nothing before or after God, and nothing created God. He just is. Confusing, right? I know. But we as humans have limited understanding, so we just have to trust that bit. Anyway, God is our Creator, Protector, Provider, and Sustainer. God has given-and continues to give-us everything. Physical abilities, mental abilities, posessions, people, etc. And all for a reason.

God has a reason for everything, even when it makes no sense to us. And God knows what's best for us. God has a plan, even a fraction of which it is impossible for us to understand. Because we are limited, and God is infinite. With our struggles, God has a solution in action even before we see the struggle coming. God knew from creation every thought that we have, have had, or will have. Every thought, every action, every prayer.

So why do we pray? To come closer to God. God knows our every need, and every want. But prayer brings us closer to God. It reminds us that He is always taking care of us, and will always listen to us. Often prayer helps us realize what we need to do, and it helps us clear our thoughts. Prayer is just talking to God. When we talk to people here on Earth, we come closer to them, right? That's the way it works with God too.

Why did God allow sin into the world? So we can experience God's love. The Angels up in perfect Heaven really don't know the extent of God's love. Because they can't experience it. You dont truly know what happiness is until you feel sadness. You don't truly know what light is until you face darkness. Through all our dark times, God is still with us, showing us the light. The good times feel even better because of all the bad times we've faced.

If we didn't have struggles, we wouldn't need a savior. I didn't really come close to God much at all until my life started cracking. And now I'm much stronger, because of all that God has done for me and shown me. And now I am so much closer to God. And I want you all to be close to God, hopefully even closer than I am right now.

No matter what happens, God never leaves you. God never abandons you. God never ignores you. He's always taking care of you, no matter what. Even if it might not feel like it. Through our struggles, God teaches us lessons, teaches us more about Him, and/or brings us to trust Him more.

We believe in Jesus, the Son of God. True man and true God, born of the virgin Mary by the Holy Spirit. Jesus sacrificed himself, taking on all our sins. We are sinful people. But Jesus took all away on the cross. God saw all the sin, and abandoned Jesus. Then Jesus died, and the sin was destroyed. Satan was defeated. He knows he's defeated, yet he continues to pester us. But when we get to Heaven, Satan will not be able to pester us.

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