Different Religions

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This is Hailee starting:

So... This topic has a lot of guilt for me. Because I've done it wrong in the past. Especially with one who mattered most. Now it's too late, I can only hope that someone managed to get through to him, and/or that my actions and not my words left an effect. But I believe that something managed to go right, and he's in Heaven now.

I am going to be opening up a lot to you guys. I may tell you guys things in here that I have told no one else here on Wattpad.

To put it simply, you cannot force faith down someone's throat.

As I regret to have done. Well, tried to do anyway.

In fourth grade, there was this boy that I was trying to get to convert. I was so ignorant then. I basically just shoved papers in his face, which was absolutely useless.

Or there's... My brother.

I met my brother in sixth grade, after the Maundy Thursday service. I came home, and he was sitting on the couch. The worker introduced him to me, and we got on quite well. I was there for him when no one else was. I listened when no one else would let him speak. I spent nearly every chance I got with him. He got sick that summer, and I did everything I could to help him.

But my brother had a rough childhood. As my dad said, the love he recieved in our home... He didn't know what to do with it. Because he hadn't been shown that much love in his life. "Scott taught us the meaning of unconditional love," my dad said often after my brother left this summer.

Scott mentioned having read the Bible cover to cover, more than I can say. He even said he liked Revelation. When Scott was with us, he went to every single church service our church had. He had good friends at our church. Yet he still rejected God.

That's why I was so scared when my dad told us he was dead. I was scared that he went to Hell. But various things-I won't get into them-took that fear away. Now I trust that he's in Heaven. My brother died November 4th, ten weeks and two days ago.

But this isn't about my brother's death. This is about what the title suggests. I just get off topic.

So anyway, in the nearly year and a half that I had under the same roof as my brother, I tried so hard to get him to believe. I had many arguments with him.

Note the word arguments.

To my fellow Christians, do not try to argue Faith into anyone. It doesn't work very well, I've learned that.

Simply defend and explain your beliefs, and Lord willing, the Holy Spirit will find a way into their hearts. God has a plan for everyone, and wishes for all His children to trust Him. All it takes is for you to plant that little seed of Faith, and God will help it grow.

As for what to do with those that believe differently... Do not offend or attack their beliefs. Try to figure out what they believe, and why. If there are any differences, explain what you believe and why, and keep an open polite debate. Again, do not start arguments. Those take you nowhere.

If it ends up that the debate ends and you seem to have made no progress, do not give up hope. You have still planted a seed, and you may have a chance again.

I hate that I always have to learn the hard way with things. Major things. And sometimes I don't even learn it then, even when I SPECIFICALLY SAY NOT TO DO SOMETHING! I still do it.

For example, when my friend attempted suicide, I told myself and others that I learned not to take people for granted. And then what thoughts do I have? "I should try starting a Battleship game with Scott over Facebook. It actually wouldn't be that hard." "Nah, I have a while. I'm busy, I can do it later." I never did get to start that game. No, I didn't learn. And it hurts. It hurts to know what I could have done, yet I didn't. Because I thought he'd always be here. I took him for granted, and now it's too late. Now all that's left is to wait to see him in Heaven.

Although there was a small sense of pride when I relized that I was the only one to comment on his last Facebook post before he died.

And I'm off topic again.

Anyway, I had to learn the hard way how to handle those with different beliefs. I just wish it hadn't been with one so close. Well, maybe God had me learn with Scott because He knew that there would be other chances for Scott to come to Faith.

I guess I have nothing else to say on this.

Just... Treat people with other beliefs with respect, because they are still humans just like you, and they are still created and loved by God.

And don't try to force faith down people's throat.

Brooke? What are your thoughts?
This is Brooke.

I completely agree.We're called to witness, not to force our beliefs on people. However, we do have to find a balance between not forcing them, and not stating them correctly or enough. And that's a balance that, really, only God can help us define, often depending on the person we're speaking to.



Yep. Stand up, but don't force.

I'm liking doing these things together!

Hailee and Brooke ❤️

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