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This was originally published in my random/fangirling book. I thought I'd also publish it here, for those of you who don't read that. :)
Every word of this is original and as originally written in the other book. I hope some of you find this helpful.


Okay. I've been wanting to write about this for a while. And it will be extremely long (longer than any of my fangirly chapters), and probably quite sermon-like.
I'm not going to apologize for my opinions. I believe that they are right and true. But I will try to handle it as politely as humanly possible, and I hope no one will be offended. If you are offended, frankly, I'm not forcing you to read this. And I will not be offended if you decide to unfollow me and take my books out of your reading lists. That's your choice, and yours alone, and I will understand if you make it.
Many people on Wattpad-and the whole Internet, and the whole world, for that matter-have expressed their opinions on the entire "is gay okay?" thing. While I have talked about it a bit in PM conversations, comment sections, and agreed with people on other people's message boards, I have never actually written about it.

And I probably should have before now.

To begin with: I do not hate gay people. They are people that God made, and God told us to love our neighbors. I do not discriminate against them in any way. But I do think they're wrong. Hate the sin, love the sinner.

So, many people think that love is love, no matter what, and all love is fine. Let's just start by dissecting that point completely on its own.
If "love is love, no matter what, and all love is equal and perfectly fine and normal", where are your boundaries? As someone who comes from a broken home, I can tell you that all love is most certainly not right. Sex (apologies for the previous, unclear use of the word "love" here) outside of your marriage, illegitimate sex, is most certainly not right. It's not healthy, and it's not biblically right. People always get hurt, and most often the one who's wrong gets hurt worst of all.
Where do you draw the line between love that's okay, and love that's wrong?

Next, homosexuality on its own. People think that's okay.
May I just politely ask you why?
Think about it for a second. Why do you think people of the same gender falling in love with each other in a romantic way is even normal?

Please take a moment to comment on that line and explain your thoughts. I'd like to hear them.

It doesn't...work, for reasons I don't really wish to discuss in a G-rated book. Or ever, really.

I can understand, to some extent, people who aren't Christian or Catholic to some degree believing that this is okay. They're not believers. They probably haven't read much of the Bible. But Christians and Catholics firmly defending gay rights?

Assuming that most Christians and Catholics have read at least portions of the Bible, let's head back to Genesis (yup, here comes the sermon part, just as I have foretold... ;P).
Genesis chapter 1, verse 27 ( you can look this up, it's in there): "So God created man in His own image, in the image of God He created them, male and female he created them."
Just starting with that; if God created a male and a female to spend their lives together, that's a pretty good indicator things were intended to continue that way. Next verse, verse 28: "And God blessed them. And God said to them, 'Be fruitful and multiply and fill the earth and subdue it...'"-and the rest of the verse just goes on to talk about being head over the animals, but that's not the point here.
To make a slightly awkward-feeling point, God told them to be fruitful, and multiply. Assuming that the first ever married couple was meant as a pattern for the rest of marriages throughout time-not perfect, but trusting in God and helping each other-where do people who are completely unable to be fruitful and multiply get off? I'm not talking about people who can't have children for medical reasons, but a man and a man cannot have children, and neither can a woman and a woman. I know that many homosexual couples adopt, but still, they are simply completely unable to have children because they do not have someone of the opposite gender in the relationship.

Moving ahead in the Bible; Genesis chapter 19. The setup here is; Abraham's (most of you probably at least know vaguely who he is) nephew, Lot (odd name) has settled in the city of Sodom. God has told Abraham that He is going to destroy the city because everyone in it is evil. Abraham pleads for his nephew's life by asking God if, if there are ten righteous people in the whole city, to spare it. God says He will, but there are not even ten righteous people in the entire city. So God just sends two angels to warn Lot that the city will be destroyed. Lot has met the "men", and they have gone to his house for supper and to stay the night. Verses 4-5: "But before they lay down, the men of the city, the men of Sodom, both young and old, all of the people to the last man (emphasis mine), surrounded the house. And they called out to Lot 'Where are the men who came to you tonight? Bring them out to us, that we may know them."

And they meant "know", in every Biblical sense of the word.
So, we're starting to get the picture here, of what exactly the city of Sodom is doing wrong.

Verse 6-8: "Lot went out to the men at the entrance, and shut the door after him, and said, "I beg you, my brothers, do not act so wickedly (there it is!). Behold, I have two daughters who have not known (and there's that word "know" again) any man. Let me bring them out to you, and do to them as you please. Only do nothing to these men, for they have come under the shelter of my roof."

See? The city was being punished because every man, every single one of them, young and old, was homosexual. Are you getting the idea that God does not appreciate this? It's against his design for marriage, for love, for life. God is loving and forgiving, but these people did not want to say they were sorry. They didn't want to be forgiven.
The city was destroyed. Lot and his family escaped safely (except for his wife, but that's another story). And God once again made the point that, if you don't follow what He says, and if you repeatedly choose exactly the opposite, knowing that it's the opposite, you are headed for disaster. Maybe not always as extreme as death in this life, but...you get the idea.

You might be thinking "This is easy for you to say. You're not gay to begin with."
No, I'm not. And I have absolutely no inclination in that direction. For people who do...let me say this. If someone thinks they might be gay or bi, but they believe the Bible and think it's a sin, there's this; First Corinthians 10:13: "No temptation has overtaken you that is not common to man. God is faithful, and He will not let you be tempted beyond your ability, but with the temptation He will also provide the way of escape, that you may be able to endure it."
This is most certainly not saying that we have the ability to never sin; sin is in our nature. We're all born with it. And the devil generally takes advantage of that tendency and tempts us at our weakest points.
But God in His love will always help us, if we ask Him and are willing to let Him help.
I heard a story of a gay man who was a Christian, but didn't see for a long time why he was wrong. When he finally did see it, he changed. Change is possible for homosexuals. I know it can't possibly be easy, but it is possible. The last I heard, he's serving God and, most likely to avoid temptation in that area, has remained single.

Points I have hopefully made:
1. Homosexuality is a sin, always
2. God does not approve of it
3. God loves us and will help us
4. God will help a homosexual overcome it if s/he asks

I hope that made sense, if anyone actually read the whole thing.
If you have any questions whatsoever, please, please message me. I will answer the best I can, and it will probably be good for both of us.
BJKaplan <3 💖

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