𝐩𝐥𝐚𝐭𝐟𝐨𝐫𝐦 𝟗 𝟑/𝟒

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the day shes was dreading, the day shes has to go back to school.
"ugh i wonder if everyone still hates me" she says to her self. "hopefully this year will be much better"

she transferred to hogwarts last year and well it was not good because she is the daughter of bellatrix lestrange everyone seems to hate her especially the trio. she did make friends with george and fred weasely last year, who were two grades above her. there brother ron weasley was in her grade. he was apart of the trio so obviously disliked her even though she was nothing like her mum, she had to prove it to them this year.

"Hey carmen!", she heard two red head boys say,as she came back to reality from her daydream,she ran up to them and gave the boys a hug.

"omg i've missed you guys so much."she said

"we've missed you too."they said

carmen saw the other red head eyeing her but it wasn't a mean,angry stair like normal it was more of a confused,lustful stair.
"does he not remember me?" she thought to herself. but that was in fact not the case. she left the group of redheads to go sit with her bestfriend luna on the train.

carmen didn't want to admit it but ron has changed a lot and wow it's a good change.

"he looks so mature now"she thought to herself.

she never wanted to not be friends with him but the trio always thought she would be exactly like her mum. she was never around her mum well you see she left when carmen was little to go be besties with voldemort or something so carmen was raised by her muggle father and until two years ago never really knew what hogwarts was.

(rons pov)

"woah that can't be carmen, she glowed up since last year"he thought to himself.

"hey guys maybe we should give her a chance" he said as he turned around to face harry and hermione.

"no what! why she's bellatrix's daughter!" harry said as he became more angry.

"but harry, she's honestly quite nice i mean she has to be,she's friends with loony- luna lovegood."
hermione said, nodding my head agreeing with her.

"and harry my brothers say nothing but good things about her" i said as harry stairs at me not knowing what to say.

"Fine! but if i was correct and she's as bad as her mother you both owe me 10 galleons!" harry said

"fine but if we win you owe us!"i said.

"whatever you two, the train is about to leave!" hermione said grabbing harry's shirt and pulling him to the train.

(time skip to on the train)

"LUNA!! how have you been!" carmen said as she sat next to luna.

luna was really the first person carmen actually became friends with last year. luna was always sitting alone so one day carmen decided to sit next to her instead of sitting with the most boring people on earth(dracos gang). even though luna was a little confused at first why she was sitting with her after that they became bestfriends and turns out they have nothing in common but opposite attract well they both like crystals so i guess that something they have in common.

"awe carmen i've missed you! i picked some flowers for you from my garden do you like them?" luna said handing the flowers to carmen.

"daisies! luna you really are the best. i love them" she said as she hugged luna.

"you smell nice"luna said.
carmen always love lunas little comments.

"carmen" luna said

"do you think ginny would want to hangout with us this year?"

"you know maybe"carmen said

carmen always liked ginny because ginny was close with luna so they would talk sometime but not a lot cause harry would tell ginny not to talk to carmen. the one person carmen could not stand was harry potter. mister chosen one she had a hatred for him like he did for her. he never let carmen apologize for her mum's actions which made her mad,she didn't like her mum as much as the next person did so she tried to apologize to every person her mum did something to. neville longbottom even excepted her apologize and bellatrix made his parents go insane, there was no reason for harry to be mad at her but he still was.

"luna i really hope this year is better then last year"carmen said

"i think it will be carmen no reason to doubt it" luna said.

luna could always make carmen feel better no matter what happened.

hermione knocked on their cabin door

"oh no what could she want",carmen thought

"hi carmen,luna i wanted to come and tell you guys that we should be arriving soon and you should put on your robes." hermione said

"oh thank you hermione!" luna said as she grabbed her robes and walked out of the cabin.

after luna left hermione walked over to where carmen was and said " carmen i want to tell you that i am sorry for what happened last year i think me and my friends have matured and i wanted to tell you i am truly sorry and that we should study sometime."

carmen was in shock she couldn't believe that hermione actually apologized and asked her to study, " i accept your apology and i think we should study sometime!" carmen replied even though she hates studying.

hermione became really giddy and gave her a hug, carmen of course didn't expect it but she hugged back then hermione left as soon as she came.

"what was that about?" luna said now in her robes.

"hermione actually apologized to me" carmen said still in shock from what just happened.

"i knew she would come around"luna said

(hermione pov)

"guys!!!" i said as closed the door to my cabin.

"what wait did you tell her that we apologize?" ron said

"did you tell her i don't apologize!" harry said still mad

"ugh harry shut it"ron said annoyed

"yes i told her that we ALL apologize and asked her to study. and she said she accepts and would love to study" hemione said as the train came to a stop

1063 words
i hope you guys like this💘💘
sorry if it sucks tho

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