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they were now at dinner in the great hall. carmen had to sit with her house because it was the first dinner of the year and the first years were getting sorted.

"slytherin"the hat shouted as a small child ran to her table.

carmen was sitting next to blaise zabini
blaise was shy compared to draco, him and carmen were friends because he really didn't care that she was friends with other people besides slytherins.

"This year our school will be a home for some very special guests. Hogwarts has been chosen to host a legendary event The Triwizard Tournament." dumbledore announced as nearly everyone in the hall became excited.

the lady's of beauxbatons came strutting in. carmen looked over to ron who was obviously stairing at the girls ass.

"what the fuck" she said

"aw are you jealous carmen? that he's looking at them and not you"blaise said trying to hold in his laugh

"no what why would you think that!" carmen yelled slapping blaises shoulder

"it's so obvious!! you're all googly eyes for him"blaise said

"shove off" she said still looking at ron

"what happened didn't he hate you last year?"he said now serious

"yea thanks for reminding me. but he's changed well  at least i think he has" carmen said looking down at her rings avoiding eye contact with blaise

the next group to come into the hall was the boys of Durmstrang "OMG ITS KRUM" ron screamed from the other table. carmen knew he was obsessed

(time skip)

"ok it's just studying"she thought to herself while walking into the library

hermione wanted to study for a potions quiz that is coming up in a couple days. carmen wasn't bad at school but she also wasn't amazing like hermione,she kinda just went with the flow and really didn't care what she got.

"hi carmen!"hermione said standing up from her seat looking quite excited for just studying

"oh hey hermione" carmen said not knowing what to expect for this

"here sit down" the smart girl said handing carmen a stack of books

"bloody hell!? what's all this for"carmen said as she got handed the stack of books

"carmen you sound exactly like ron and it's for studying what did you expect just going over notes?" she said giggling

"well kinda yea..."

"oh merlin you have a lot of learning to do missy"

"BAHAH hermione you sound like a grandma"carmen said busting out laughing

"whatever carmen" hermione said clearly insulted by the comment

carmen was brutally honest to say the least and never really thought about what she said. that's why she got detention so much cause she was always back talking snape.

"hermione?" carmen said


"why are you and your friends being nice to me all of a sudden?"she said eager for an answer

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