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hey guys sorry it's been a hot minute since i updated lol i'm gonna try and post a lot
more but i've been super busy with school😔

it had been a couple days since carmen snuck out with ron and nothing big has happened except the fact that the first task was coming up soon.

she hadn't really talked to the trio lately, they seemed tense.

ron hung out a lot with dean and seamus since he was still mad at harry.

carmen still had his sweater she didn't know how to give it back but at the same time ron hasn't asked for it so she really didn't feel bad.

carmen was down at the lake with luna and neville.
neville was looking for some random plants in the lake

luna and ginnys relationship had taken off. they weren't "officially" dating but they spend 90% of the day together and luna and ginny have had some "sleepovers" (iykyk)

"luna you look nice today"carmen said

"awe well thank you carmen you look swell!"

"hey neville did you find the plant you were looking for"carmen asked


"awe i love how he's so enthusiastic about plants" carmen thought. she's normally doesn't care about that stuff but she has a soft spot for neville

"oh hi harry"luna said

"ew harry"she thought

"hi guys......oh carmen" harry said rolling his eyes

"uhm i'll leave. bye luna bye neville"carmen said grabbing her bag

harry had his eyes glued on her

"hey where are you going" someone said startling carmen

"huh oh hey ron i was going up to the castle"

"heyy not so fast i feel like i haven't seen you in forever" he said grabbing her arm lightly

"ok so he's a lot more touchy today" she thought

"oh i meant to..." she was cut off by hermione

"ronald would like me to tell you that seamus told him that dean was told by pavarti that hagrid is looking for you" mione said in one big huff at harry

"is that so uhm what" harry said confused

"dean was told by pavarti that... please don't ask me to say it again"

"well ron could tell me himself if he wasn't flirting with his girlfriend" harry said looking at carmen

"i uhm"

"shut it mate" ron said turning as red as his hair

ginny was with them too accept she was now talking to luna and neville

ron grabbed carmens hand and started walking up the hill. hermione,ginny and luna following behind them

"ooo" "ahh look luna" mione and ginny whisper yelled

"what.. oo"luna said

"ek they are holding hands!!" ginny said excitedly

they kept whispering random things about carmen and ron

"do they think we can't hear them" ron said

carmen started giggling "i- i don't know"

she held tighter onto rons hand and looked up at him.

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