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sorry this took so long to publish😞

it was thursday. the day before the party.
carmen had gotten kinda close with hermione after that time they had studied together hermione would try and talk to her every chance she got.

"hey carmen"hermione said motioning her to come over

"hey 'mione,how are you" carmen said walking over to her

"great! are you ready for the test tomorrow?" the girl said

"ugh hermione you know i really don't care about what i get but sure i guess i'm ready. are you ready for the party" carmen said poking hermiones side

"no carmen you know i dislike party's so i will not be drinking"

"your no fun but whatever" carmen said slightly annoyed but she understands

then she saw the most beautiful man alive, cedric digory

as he placed his name in the goblet he gave carmen a wink and walked off as all of his friends cheered.

"wow" carmen said in a whisper

"ooooo cedric!" mione said

"oh um yeah i guess he's kinda cute" carmen said trying to be sly

the twins came running in with their hands in the air with what looked like a potion

"we did it! we finished it this morning" they said

"it's not going to work" hermione said kinda singing

"hermione let them have their fun" carmen said rolling her eyes

"and why is that granger" one of the boys said

"you see this, that's an age line dumbledore drew it himself"

"that's why it's gonna work cause it so absolutely dim witted"

carmen gave them kisses on the cheek for good luck,
something she would always do. she could feel someone stairing at her when she looked away from the twins she saw ron sending her a death stair as he was getting red

"wtf was that for" she said out loud

"what" hermione said looking up at carmen

"ron..." she said super confused

"OH" hermione practically jumping out of her chair

"gosh mione calm down what?"

"you know why he's looking at you like that right"

"no why"

"cause i think he likes you. i heard him mutter something about you to harry this morning but they stopped talking when i sat down with them"

"ok please he's probably just saying something bad about me"



"no carmen he likes you"

"i mean he's not bad looking"carmen said

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