Chapter Two

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Finding Madame Giry had been easier than expected and he was actually relieved to see her for once. Rather than speak to her, he simply grabbed her arm and dragged her along behind him. The woman trailed along behind him at first, mostly out of surprise. The surprise seemed to wear off as soon as they entered one of the many tunnels. She jerked her arm away and he spun around to face her with a low growl.

"Would you mind using your words to explain what is going on?" Antionette demanded, not caring for being manhandled in the slightest. Something was clearly off about the resident opera ghost but she wouldn't stand for such treatment, especially not after everything she'd done for him thus far.

There was an irritated huff from the man, he had apparently expected that he wouldn't have to explain himself tonight. "You are to take my children and return to the surface." he refused to explain any further.

Dread began to blossom in the old woman's chest. That statement was inherently wrong as she knew Christine wouldn't be pleased with Erik if he tried to separate her and the children so soon- especially without a word. Now that they were finally married, she knew that it was unlikely that he'd purposely do something that would threaten Christine's happiness like that anyways . So.. something else was going on here.

"Why, Erik? Why do you want me to do such a thing?" Antionette questioned frantically. If she didn't know any better and she didn't have any self-restraint, she'd be grabbing onto his lapels and shaking him a little bit.

Erik stiffened and backed away as if she had him psychically cornered. She could see the panic rising in those amber eyes but she refused to back down. "Christine.. my Christine is gone... I intend to join her once more." He stated as if this made perfect sense and in his mind it did.

The words were something Madame Giry struggled to come to terms with. She couldn't believe that Christine was simply gone. It seemed unbelievable, especially after how optimistic the girl had been about making it through the labor and birth. Anger replaced the sadness almost immediately. "Are you serious? You haven't changed a bit. You're still the selfish bastard that you were when you first fell in love with her." Antionette sneered.

Erik flinched as if he'd been slapped and his eyes seemed to flare with light if only for a moment before they went dull again. "You'd never understand.. I can't go on without her... I won't. She should've understood that she was asking too much of me." He uttered softly.

Antionette simply stared at him before she did something that not many would have the guts or will to do. She reached up and yanked the mask from his face before delivering a harsh slap with her free hand. She ignored the shocked gasp and the way his hand trembled as he raised it to cup the ravaged cheek that she'd slapped. She didn't say anything, she simply shoved the mask into his chest and continued on her way, going around him.

 She didn't say anything, she simply shoved the mask into his chest and continued on her way, going around him

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By the time that Antionette reached her destination, she was intercepted by an overly concerned midwife. She waited as patiently as she could manage for the scared woman to speak.

"Where is her husband? I told her I'd find him. She's awake and she's been crying for him. She's very weak but I believe she should be fine with the proper care." The woman rushed out so quickly that it took the older woman a few minutes to register them.

The relief was so strong that it nearly knocked Antionette to her knees. She could only assume that Christine had passed out from either the pain or sheer exhaustion. Erik, being who he was, hadn't stayed to find out her fate. He'd just left in search of her. While it was understandable it was also a little annoying.

"Please try and calm her. I know where her husband is. I shall go fetch him and inform him of the good news." She finally answered and the midwife nodded before rushing off to do as she was told.

Antionette retraced her steps, moving as quickly as she could manage with a cane. Perhaps she would have to apologize for the slap she delivered but it would be worth it to keep him from doing something stupid and easing the weight that clearly rested on his shoulders.

Unfortunately, when she found the spot that she'd left him, he was long gone. The only proof that he'd been there was the shattered mask laying on the ground.

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