Chapter five

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Erik worked through his guilt quickly, subtly pulling the sleeve of his jacket down to cover the bandages. Even if he managed to work through it in record time, he was about to heap more on. He offered her a small smile and leaned down to kiss her forehead. "I apologize for worrying you, my love." he murmured quietly. Hiding the truth probably wasn't the way to go, but he had no choice. She was in a very delicate position right now. This would only stress her out and make her condition worse, potentially. He definitely wasn't worth that.

Christine smiled sweetly, though it still had an exhausted edge to it. "It's perfectly fine, Erik. Take a look at our beautiful babies." She implored and offered him the smallest baby of the bunch. He took her and cradled her carefully against his chest. He couldn't help the weak smile that formed on his lips.

"You're right, Mon Amour. They're beautiful. Have you named them?" Erik asked curiously, glancing towards his wife- his expression almost overwhelmingly tender. He had noticed that the only boy amongst the group seemed to share his face, but he was too relieved and emotionally drained to really work up the proper amount of anger with himself. Especially with all his already existing guilt.

"I'd like to name the boy after my father, if you don't mind. I haven't had much time to come up with names for the girls." Christine murmured, flushing slightly in embarrassment. Erik reaches out to caress one of her red tinted cheeks, not wanting her to feel bad about something out of her control.

"Gustave it is, then. How about.. Emelie and Jeanne for the girls?" Erik suggested after a moment of thought, quite liking the way the names sounded. Christine's eyes brightened and she offered him what could only be described as an exhausted smile.

"Emelie and Jeanne sound absolutely perfect." Christine yawned, her eyes beginning to slip closed. This reminded him that his wife was still recovering and he carefully took the children from her, laying them down in their proper places. He perched on the very edge of the bed and hummed a nameless tune until she fell into a deep sleep.

Erik stood and leaned down to kiss her forehead gently, leaving the room so as to not disturb her. He remained silent just in case any of the triplets started crying. He could handle anything but their hunger. He'd unfortunately have to wake her for that as he didn't have the ability to produce milk.

 He'd unfortunately have to wake her for that as he didn't have the ability to produce milk

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The weeks passed and Christine slowly but surely improved. She and Erik seemed to be falling into a bit of a pattern that made it easier to deal with three babies who were nowhere near potentially sleeping through the night. She couldn't be happier to finally have a family with her husband, even if their son did have his father's face to a less severe degree. That hadn't and would never matter to her. Even Erik seemed happy enough.

Around their children at least, that was. His behavior towards her was beginning to chip away at both Christine's confidence and her heart in the same manner. Did he not love her anymore? Was a family all that he'd wanted out of her at this point? It didn't seem like an accurate assumption but she couldn't figure out why it seemed like Erik couldn't stand to touch her anymore.

Christine reached out as Erik turned to leave the room , grabbing his sleeve. She could only hope this time would be different. She pulls him down and he doesn't fight her, giving her hope. She doesn't bother to say anything, leaning up to kiss him more passionately than she probably should've. Her heart leaps with joy when Erik moans into the kiss, melting into her for a short moment. Much too short if she's being honest with herself.

Erik rips away from her, panting slightly. There is a brief flash of guilt in his amber eyes but it does nothing to soothe the almost physical pain in her chest. He leans down and tries to peck her lips but she turns her head, making his lips connect with her cheek instead.

"I'm sorry, Christine. I really must go out and procure us some food." Erik murmured, turning on heel and leaving the room after lingering for a moment.

Christine curls in on herself, shaking with stifled sobs. 

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