Chapter Thirteen

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Gustave and Emilie ended up waking up as well in the midst of the chaos, so the conversation would have to wait. Thankfully, Christine had the perfect way of keeping her man from slipping off while she was feeding the babies.

He held the other two and she alternated until they'd all been fed and burped. He seemed content enough to do this task for her. So there was that at the very least. 

As soon as they were done, they drifted back off with a little coaxing. The coaxing invovled was Christine singing them a little lullaby. It was something that seemed to entrance Erik just as much. 

She decided to mark that down as another win in the end. She took them from him and tucked them back in, kissing each other their foreheads. 

Once she was done, she grasped his wrist tightly and dragged him into her room. Once inside, she shut the door behind them. 

She let go and gazed up at him. He held eye contact, clearly waiting for her first move. She remained still and silent for a few moments before she struck. 

Christine lunged forwards and ripped that abomination of a mask from his gorgeous face. Perhaps not gorgeous in society's opinion- but she loved it just as much as she loved him.  

A gasp left Erik and he found himself clutching his cheek when she delivered a backhand moments later.  

"You didn't even try! You were more than willing to let me leave with the children. As if I could actually do anything on my own. You're lucky that Raoul is generous enough to help." Christine ranted, not letting him even ask why she'd done that. 

Truly, that had been the only thing that saved her from actual prostitution or something just as demeaning.

There were a few occupations but not many were realistic with triplets that needed much of her attention still. 

"What did you want me to do, beg you? We both know very well you wouldn't have given in." Erik defended himself, rubbing his cheek slightly before he let his hand drop. 

She nearly screamed in frustration. That wasn't what she'd been saying at all. Perhaps she wasn't being clear enough but she'd thought he'd understand. 

But she didn't. She couldn't risk waking their children again. They needed to hash this out, here and now. 

"No, you complete idiot! A musical genius you may be, but I question your common sense sometimes." She shot back. 

Erik blinked at her once or twice before snorting. His incredulous reaction would never fail to please her on some level. 

"Then please, clarify. I'm sure that wouldn't be too hard for you to do." Erik mused in return, shifting his weight from foot to foot.

Gladly. She would gladly clarify. Because she wanted them to come to an agreement.

She wanted to be held by the love of her life again. She wanted to feel complete for the first time in awhile.

"You didn't even try and come to the surface with us! You didn't even consider the idea. You gave up immediately because you refuse to believe you can have good things...All I ask  is that you have a little more faith in us." Christine ranted before letting her shoulders slump. 

Erik seemed properly chastised as he gazed at her. She held her breath, wondering if he'd take the wrong meaning from her words. That was her greatest fear at the moment but she hoped against hope that it wouldn't be the case.

Erik moved forward and embraced her tightly, pressing a kiss against her head. She melted against him despite herself, clutching his shirt in her hands. 

"I'm sorry..." Erik breathed, closing his eyes as he nuzzled against the top of her head. 

"Don't be sorry. Just stay." Christine found herself pleading, clutching him against herself even tighter. 

"....I will. You must let me go back long enough to get my things, but I'll return. I promise." Erik relented almost immediately. 

Christine nodded. That was all she could ask for. 

Things wouldn't be easy right away and she didn't expect them too. He wouldn't adjust to being above ground. Not for awhile, maybe he never would. 

Maybe they'd have to end up leaving the country to ensure that he'd feel more comfortable. 

Maybe he'd have to assume a new name and a completely new appearance. 

Christine didn't care. As long as they were together, happy and a family, she would make due with whatever came their way.

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