Chapter Twelve

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Erik had finally given into his desire despite himself. Perhaps if he could watch them from a distance he wouldn't feel so...empty. It wouldn't be the same of course, but it was much better than absolutely nothing. 

Of course, he wouldn't be giving Antoinette or Nadir any credit for this idea. Because they'd never let him live down how well they seemed to know him. He couldn't have that. He refused to have that. 

While Antoinette would be moderately more tolerable, he knew Nadir would be downright intolerable.

First though, he went out of his way to disguise himself. He needed to for his own safety and that of his woman and children.

He found his old flesh colored mask and put it on. Rather than wearing one of his usual suits and capes, he opted for something simple. 

He stole something from one of the stagehands and pulled it on. It was rather baggy, but it would have to do. 

Once the coast was clear, he headed out to the stables and located Cesar. He fed the horse a few carrots and pet his neck for a moment or two. 

He climbed on and gave his side a gentle kick. The horse set off and he did his best to steer him in the direction that he assumed that he'd find this place. 

It took much longer and he nearly gave up when he spotted it. He bit his lower lip and hopped off the horse.

He guided him into the woods and tied him in the most thin part. An area where he'd be hidden but he'd also be safe. 

Erik searched the house for a way in. It took him for awhile but he found that the window was unlocked. He cursed Christine's naivety. Surely she didn't leave it unlocked in hopes that he would come? 

He couldn't allow himself to hope that it was anything remotely similar to that. He pulled it open and pushed the screen out of the way. Once he'd done that, he squeezed himself through it. 

It took him a few moments to find his footing and once he had, he put the screen back in. He shut the window and locked it.  

He glanced at the time and assumed that Christine was either napping or otherwise busy. So with this in mind, he decided to check on their children first. 

He located their room easily enough, seeing as that door was open a crack. Perhaps so that she could hear them with more ease. He pushed it open further. 

His heart melted and warmed as soon as he seen their little sleeping faces. He slowly entered the room and approached Gustave first. He gently caressed one of his chubby baby cheeks. 

The fact that he'd taken after him still wrenched at his heartstrings but it was hard to be sad about it. Especially when he'd missed them so goddamn much. 

He admired Gustave for a moment more before he moved on to Emilie. The girl was getting big so fast. She was perhaps the chubbiest of the babies.

He supposed she retained that healthy appetite that she'd always had. She certainly didn't get that from him. Perhaps it was Christine. 

He stroked her hair and leaned down to press a gentle kiss to her forehead. Unfortunately, the peace wasn't to last. 

Jeanne's eyes popped open and they innocent little gaze landed on him. Clearly his presence scared her because her little bottom lip wobbled and her eyes filled with tears. 

"Fuck. Please don't cry, Jeannie it's me. It's papa." Erik pleaded softly. 

He rushed over to her and scooped her up out of the crib. He rocked her from side to side in an attempt to soothe her. 

But it didn't work. The little girl balled her tiny fists up and began wailing at the top of her little lungs. 

He stiffened when he heard a couple bangs and crashes outside of the room. 

Christine had presumably noticed.  Or was it perhaps a man that no one thought to inform him about? 

Christine had stirred the moment she heard a man's voice, her brain struggling to comprehend and understand why it sounded familiar

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Christine had stirred the moment she heard a man's voice, her brain struggling to comprehend and understand why it sounded familiar. 

This was the only downfall of sleeping so damn much.  It made her reaction time a little slower when she first woke up. 

Then she heard Jeanne's sobbing. She fell out of bed and scrambled to her feet. She grabbed and tossed a few unsuitable weapons over her shoulder. 

She finally settled for a strip of metal that she could swing easily. It would do a lot of damage but she'd have to hold herself back in order to ensure that she didn't actually commit murder. 

As tempting as it was, it wouldn't actually help anyone. She padded towards the room as quickly as she could and burst into the room. 

The male figure spun around to make eye contact with her, clutching her baby close to his chest. 

"Christine! Put that down!" He called and realization flooded her. 

The metal slipped from her hands and hit the ground with a crash.

"Erik..." Christine breathed and he nodded sheepishly in confirmation. 

Rage and relief flooded her in equal measures. Even with that stupid mask on, she would always recognize those burning eyes of his. She'd have realized without him speaking first.

They needed to talk and she wouldn't let him worm or complain his way out of this one.

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