The Surge pt1

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I could see myself falling. The ground still 50 feet below me. As soon as I landed, I felt a stabbing pain in my lower back. The noise of breaking bone and popping joints ringing in my ears. My vision began to blur, and I couldn't hear my best friend Skyler who was in front of my face.
My head jolted from its resting place on my desk. The sun still inching up to its place. It had only been a nightmare, a nightmare that was all to real. It happened only four years ago rendered my legs useless. A broken spine interrupting the nerves to reseve the signals from the rest of my body. Skyler developed a way I can feel more free and able to move. It is much like a belt, with two flat support rods that run the length of my legs. Velcro bands hold the supports to my leg, with one on each side that wraps under my foot. Theirs pivot points on the outside of my knees, so I can sit comfortably.
I was still warring my pajama pants and the matching baseball t shirt. My computers screens were black, and the gear box I was working on still in my hand, and screw driver next to my mouse. My crutches propped up on the side, next to my third monitor. My desk is set up with three moniters each from different companies. Which means three different cores, all suspended underneath my huge desk that bends in the corner and hugs the corresponding walls. Each side runs five feet long, my work space takes up most of my apartments living room. It includes crates of spair parts Skyler brings me, an old dentists chair (which I don't know why I have), two old car batteries, and an open silver metal box that holds my tools. I gently placed the gear box on the desk, and pulled myself off my chair with my crutches. With the clicking of metal I hopped back in to my room. I sat on the side of my bed, unstrapped my supports from my legs and began to get ready for work. I teach simple mechanics at Sensei Wu's Academy, well I'm an intern. I re-strapped my supports back onto my legs and pulled on my high tops. I wore a graphic t-shirt under a faded blue and green plaid button down, with faded blue skinny jeans that were ripped at the knees. I boxed up the gear box and placed it in my backpack, which I then pulled on to my back. I opened my apartment door and stepped outside, locking the door behind me. Slowly I made my way down the two flights of stairs. The building does not have an elevator, but I find ways to make do. Skyler helps, but he doesn't live in the same building. I reached the final landing and walked out to my car. Then I remembered that Skyler is rewireing my car to make it easier for me to drive. Skyler doesn't believe in buying high-tech cars, but yet he has one. I guess now it's considered old school, because now most of the cars on the market and road float. He has a 2014 Subaru Forester that he insists that I use, but my 1989 Chevey truck still works and it was my first car that my stepdad gave me when I was 16. It's a black hole when it comes to gas mileage but the memories are priceless. I began to make my way down the street, when a perky and exited voice came from behind me.
Kayli: Hey Mehnaa, do you need a ride?
I slowly turned around to become face to face with the only person I know who is not a morning person but still acts happy and excited in the morning. Kayli Jones, her and her boyfriend Kai Flamey, live in the apartment below mine and are the history teachers at Sensei Wu's. She has long brown hair that begins to wave at her shoulders, she wore a red cable knit sweater dress with sheer black leggings, and light brown knee high boots. Kai now stood behind her, in a red button down, stripped tie, kaki pants and a jacket to match. His hair always reminded me of a rebellious teenager, all combed over to one side and glued into spikes with hair gel.
Mehnaa: I'll be fine.
Kayli: No, you shouldn't have to walk, now get in the car.
I opened the back door of Kai's truck. The carriage stood about half a foot higher than mine. I can easily get in and out of a front seat with the carriage this high, but in all cars I have a hard time getting into back seats. Theirs nothing to hold onto to pull myself up. With my back facing the interior, I laid my crutches on the floor boards, and took hold of the handle and seat head rest. I pulled myself up and on to the seat, then pulled my legs in. Soon Kai and Kayli climbed in the front, and Kai started the truck. The two of them are always cute, he holds her hand in the car, lets her drag him to conventions. He does it willingly, and always has a smile on his face when he does. Soon two girls began running toward the still parked truck. They ran around to the other side and opened the door. CC Cole, she is the life science teacher and lives in the apartment across the hall. She has light brown hair that reaches her mid back, but she had it pulled into a braid that strung over her shoulder. She wore deep blue skinny jeans, a grey camisole with a thin flowing black cover up, with black heals in her hand. She climbed into the truck and sat next to me. Next to climb in is Zoey Marcotte. She has long blonde hair that runs down her back, she wore ice blue jeans that stop at her mid calve, a white camisole with a small light blue snowflake pattern, with a whit 3/4 length sleeved sweater, and white knee high boots. Zoey is one of the English teachers, she lives with her boyfriend Zane Julein in the apartment next to mine. Zoey slammed the door and Kai started the truck.
      19 years ago my mom left my dad and brother, taking me with her. Now I want to find my brother and begin a new connection with him. I know who he is, but he doesn't know me. He's the other English teacher, I sit and talk with him everyday and hangout in his classes when I have nothing better to do. Lately he has been asking me on how and when to propose to his girlfriend, who is sitting in the truck. I unzipped my backpack to check on the gear box I was working on this morning. Zane has been asking me to make new parts for him, he feels like some of them are beginning to fail. He tried to buy new ones but all of his parts are hand made, so I accepted the taste of making him new ones. But they take a long time to make, this one took me almost five months to complete, five months of all nighters. I have nine other parts I'm still making. This one is his memory bank generator, if this one gets corrupt data or one piece dose not work right his memories could be lost for safety I have multiple copies of the file. I don't want to ruin his life, I put it back in the box and back in my backpack. Kai parked the truck in th parking lot of the school. Zoey and CC climbed out of the truck, and I managed to get out. I slowly trailed behind them, but turned down the opposite hall. I made my way to the science classrooms. I entered the first one to find Zane sitting at his desk. Stacks of papers cluttered its surface, along with multiple picture frames holding pictures of him, Zoey and everyone else. He looked up from what he was doing as I entered the room, I leaned on the front of his desk and began the long task of taking off my backpack. After I got my backpack off I turned around to face him. I unzipped the tie dye 'Vans off the wall' backpack and pulled out the box.
Mehnaa: Tell me again, why are you keeping this from Zoey?
Zane opened his control panel and pulled a stool in front of him so I can instal the gear box, and pulled his laptop close to it on the desk, I took a seat and unscrewed his switch panel. I took out this original gear box and transferred the data to the new one.
Zane: I don't need her to worry about me.
Mehnaa: Well if she worries about you, does that mean that she loves you.
Zane: Let me put it like this, I don't want her to worry because I love her.
I clicked the new gear box into place. I rescrewed his switch panel and he closed his chest panel. I began to put my stuff back in my backpack.
Zane: What's that on the inside of your wrist?
He noticed my tattoo, it reveals my original last name in plain black loopy writing.
Mehnaa: It's my last name, the original one.
Zane: Brookstone? But isn't that Cole's last name?
Mehnaa: Ya. He''s my brother, but he doesn't know it.
Zane: But Cole doesn't have a sister, at least not that I know of.
Mehnaa: Are you gonna believe me, or do you want a DNA test.
Zane: I believe you, shouldn't you tell Cole?
Mehnaa: Do you know how weird it would be for your intern to walk up and be like "Hi I'm your sister, our mom left with me when you were 2 so you never know about me until now."
???: What did you just say?

A/N: Oh my fricken lord that took forever. Hope you enjoy the story and part 2 will be up soon, I hope. GamerNinjaAC out peace

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