When Your Gone

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             The room is filled with laughter and happiness. Where I sat in a dark corner vasking in my own sadness. I carefully looked over the small sapphire and silver ring I had planned to give her in an extravagant and special way. On the inside of the band, our names laid engraved along with a date, one that had passed almost two years ago. Spots for more dates followed the first, dates for her choosing. Still turning it with my fingers, I brought my right knee in closer to me and rested my arm on top.
???: That's a beautiful ring, who is it for?
            The light and gentile voice came from behind me. Slowly, I turned to face its source. As she knelt down to my eye level, her long grey braid drifted over her shoulder.
Cole: It's for CC, I was going to...
           I choked on my words. Not wanting to say the last two words of the sentence.
Misaco: I don't believe I've met her, will I have the chance to soon?
Cole: No you haven't, and I don't know.
The Overlord has her, who knows when we will find them.
Misaco: Them?
Cole: He also has Zoey, who Zane is with.
Misaco: Sadness blurs the senses. Find something to take your mind off of her...
      She slowly stood up from her crouch position.
Misaco: And always remember, you will find her.
      She walked away, leaving me to drown in my thoughts.

Zoey's pov

       Locked in cages like zoo animals. The world turned to chaos. Years of construction an innovation worth nothing.
CC: Mother of, shit. Who the hell electrifies a fucking cage.
Zoey: Well maybe if you stopped trying to escape they wouldn't have to.
      She turned to me and looked at me like I was nuts. Electric burns on her bare arms, on her jeans, and tank top. A few hairs escaped the hold of her braid, and her face glistened from sweat. Our shoes, phones, keys and CC's cover up laid all in a pile.
CC: Zoey, we have to find a way out of this.
Zoey: What's the point? We don't know where we are, or how to get out of here with out getting shoved back in a cage.
CC: What's the point!? If I have EVER learned something from Kai, its that ninja never quite. And what are we?
Zoey: We're teachers.
CC: Nope, try again.
Zoey: We are a combination of two X chromosomes.
CC: Okay Miss I'm dating the science teacher, stop being a smart ass.
Zoey: We're ninja.
CC: That's the spirit! Now we need a plan.
         A hooded figure passed by the cage, dropping a notebook. CC carefully reached through the bars, picking it up. She slumped on to the floor next to me, leaning against the stone wall. She opened the book, flipping through the pages.
Zoey: What is it?
CC: A way out.

Mehnaa's pov later (in episode 33)

       After the guys shut off the city's power supply, Jay told me that something was off about Zane. Now we are at Jay's parents junk yard, also known as the junk yard Skyler works at. My laptop is plugged into a backup power generator, which does not help me with also trying to check Zane for viruses and Nya trying to split Zane's power core. The trailer door slams closed as someone comes in. Skyler Nova, tech genius like me and my best friend. His shaggy, dark brown, bangs hung low covering his forehead. A half jean half sweatshirt jacket covered up his favorite 'Doctor Who' t shirt, a pair of fake dorky hipster glasses perched on his nose, his favorite 'tardis' sock hat covered up the back of his head, and faded skinny jeans with his old black converse.
Mehnaa: How good are you at decoding viruses?
Skyler: The best! Scoot over.
       He shoved me over to the side and started typing away at my keyboard.
Skyler: Ok, it's a forgetion virus that can only be activated by its creator.
Mehnaa: Who is the creator?
Skyler: P.I.X.A.L
Zane: But why would....
Mehnaa: Trigger Warning! The Overlord is in her programming. It must have been him using her hard drive. And Trigger Warning! You Have A Girlfriend.
        Kayli then came barging through the door.
Kayli: I herd a Homestuck reference! Who's your patron troll?
Mehnaa: Tavros, and before you....
Skyler: Mehnaa! Focus!
Mehnaa: Right, I'm guessing that the virus was ment for Zane to forget something else, but was redirected to his memory core....
Skyler: But if it was ment for him to forget something, isn't it sapose to be in his memory core? And can your OCD with saving programs help? How many different computers and flash drives did you save his memories to?
Mehnaa: I saved it to my PC, my laptop, Zane's laptop, Zoey's laptop, and a flash drive. But all of the computers probably have the virus...
Skyler: So our best option is the flash drive, hand it over I'll start the download.
Mehnaa: Hehehe, one problem I don't have it. Zane wanted me to give it to Zoey.
Zane: Who's Zoey? And why do you keep bringing her up when you talk about me?
         The door to the trailer opened and Nathan, Cole, Kai, and Jay walked in.
Jessica: Zane, Zoey is your girlfriend and she means a lot to you. You'll remember eventually.
        Jessica Edwards, the quiet girl in the bunch. But when she's having a conversation with her friends she breaks out of her shell a bit. BOOM! The trailer flipped onto its side slamming everyone onto the back wall.
Cole: Skyler, get my sister out of here.
Mehnaa: I have been your sister for two days, you have no right to boss me around.
Cole: I am the leader of this team, which you are now a part of, so I do have the right.
          I shoved my laptop into my backpack and slung it over my shoulders. I climbed onto Skyler's back, holding my crutches across his chest.

CC's pov

Zoey: He... he doesn't remember me.
        She sat cross legged, and hunched over. Tears slid from her eyes down her cheeks and to the ground. She looked down staring at a plain flash drive, with a silver chain attached.
CC: You herd what Mehnaa said, its not really him.
Zoey: But.... it still hurts!
       She started to cry harder. I pulled her into my shoulder, and she wrapped her arms around me. The hooded figure came back and began to unlock the cage. We stood up, grabbing our stuff, and followed them. We followed them for a good ten miles before climbing out of the dark sewers. Once out the figure dropped their hood. It felt like I was looking in a mirror, that reflected my older self. Same light brown hair, but replacing my bright green streak with a grey one. I felt my face heating up and tears beginning to form. I quickly wrapped my arms around them. My search was over, my heart's empty hole filled and repaired.
CC: I missed you.

A/N: If you don't remember or I forgot to mention, CC's mom 'died' when she was 13. And in the story before this she finds out that her mom is still alive, and the villein was using her pain to feed her powers. Ever since CC has been looking for her mom, I can't say anymore because I feel I've spoiled enough. GamerNinjaA out peace!

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