The Surge pt 2

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            I recognized the voice that came from behind me. Did he hear every word of the conversation? If he did my life has become much easier. I slowly turned around to come face to face with the English teacher with long shaggy black hair. Cole Brookstone, also known as the older brother who never knew he had a sister. He wore black pants with a brown sweater over a white collared shirt, only he could pull off that look with his six foot-four and muscular structure. After I admitted it to someone other than Skyler, I realized how much we actually look alike. We both have long black hair with bangs that swoosh across our foreheads, the same deep chocolate brown eyes, and the same defiance in the features of our faces.
Cole: How can you be my sister?
Cole: Why did I not know about you? Did my mom take you with her when she left?
Mehnaa: Yeah
Cole: Why did my dad not tell me? He only told me that she left.
          He sat on the edge of Zane's desk and ran his fingers through his hair and let out a heasitated sigh. The room fell into silence until Zane's first hour students began to arrive. Cole stood up and left the room, back to his own. I rolled the stool around the side of the desk, grabbed my backpack and set it on the floor next to my crutches propped up on the wall.
Zane: Do you mind helping me with explaining the importance of the nerves system?
Mehnaa: Not at all.
             Zane is also the health teacher for first, sixth, and seventh hour. I'm already in his class during those hours, so why not. I manager to get off the stool and position myself on top of his desk, so that everyone could see me. The starting bell rang and Zane began speaking.
Zane: Can anyone tell me what paralysis is?
           A blond haired girls hand shot up, but Zane over looked her  angshis expression and called apon a dark haired girl with thick black rimmed glasses who sat in the back corner of the room. As she herd her name called out she slowly looked up from her desk.
Dark haired girl: It's a state of being ware one does not have control over a part of their body.
Zane: Excellent now who knows what causes paralysis?
          No one moved, and the room fell into silence.
Zane: Paralysis is caused by a fracture or breakage in the spinal cord, or you could be born with it. But why could I have Mehnaa here?
          The dark haired girl was the only one to raise her hand this time.
Zane: Kate!
Kate: She's paralyzed from the waist down.
Zane: Exactly, who else knew she was paralyzed?
           Again no one moved. How could they not know that, I've been working here for a year now and they never noticed. Are 12 year olds that oblivious, Kate only knows because I tutor her and use to babysit her. I snapped out of my trance when Zane began speaking to me.
Zane: Mehnaa, you haven't always been paralyzed now have you?
Mehnaa: No, I've been paralyzed for four years in December.
Zane: Do you mind telling us how?
            I continue to explain how I became paralyzed, the day continued like normal.

Coles pov

           I sat grading essays that my students had to take. My stomach growled loudly but I had to grade these so I have less to do later. My wire glasses slipped down my nose, so I pushed them back up. Moments later a pair of soft delicate hands placed themselves under my chin and on my forehead. They gently pulled my head back until the top of my head tuched the torso of their owner. My eyes locked onto a pair of beautiful green eyes that are easy to be lost in. To match the eyes was a beautiful face that belongs to CC, she leaned her head down and pressed her soft lips to my forehead. I returned the gesture before she pulled away. She let go of my head and moved to the side me, I turned my desk chair and pulled her into me resting my head on her chest. She ran one hand through my hair and rested the other at the base of my neck. I closed my eyes and let her heartbeat sooth my stress. Sometimes I think she is to relaxing, I began to drift of to sleep until she began speaking. My eyes remained closed but I still listened to what she was saying.
CC: Are you going to eat?
Cole: No
          I then realized how sick and pitiful I sounded with my muffled reply.
CC: You sure, one of my home ick  students last hour didn't want half of their project and told me to give it to you.
Cole What was the project?
CC: We made cake, and it's still warm if you want it other wise I'll eat it.
            My eyes flicked open, I moved my head so I was facing her, chin rested on her chest. Her big bright smile welcomed me back to reality, her eyes beconing me to get lost in them.
Cole: The cake is a lie, isent it?
CC: Yes, I'm sorry just wanted to make sure you were okay.
Cole: I'm fine, just a little tired and stressed.
CC: I'll help you grade these papers tonight, but for right now...
          I released her from my hold and she took a seat on my lap. I fit my head into the gape of her neck as she took off my glasses and placed them on the desk. She then began massaging the side of my head as well as the back.
CC: You basically have the rest of the day off.
          Nya said that the field trip was approved.
I lifted my head up off her shoulder and pressed my lips to hers.
CC: Will this make you feel better?
Cole: If I say yes, will it continue?
CC: It will continue if you say no.
            She pressed her lips to mine again and held them until a loud screech came over the intercom followed by Jay's voice.
Jay: Students and teachers report to the bus.
Cole: Ah, Jay, the hopeless romantic that can't keep a girlfriend and ruins all romantic moments.
Jay: I herd that!
            The loud screech came once more as he turned off the intercom. Then CC and I broke out into laughter.

Later, Mehnaa's pov

         Borge Industries is the tallest building in New Ninjago City. As we entered the towering building we were greeted by a cyborg by the name of P.I.X.A.L, who took an interest in Zane. I only caught the last part of the conversation.   
P.I.X.A.L: What does Zane stand for?
Zoey: Zoey's boyfriend, that's what Zane stands for!
P.I.X.A.L: But that does not fit in the acronym.
Zoey: It's not an acronym, it's his name.
         Zoey did not seen to enjoy the conversation, and I became concerned when she scanned him. Cole, CC, Kai, Jay, Zane, and Zoey went up to the top floor were the rest of the group followed P.I.X.A.L for the reason we are here. Some of the girls convinced Nya to try the Perfect Match game, but was surprised when my brother was her result.
Nya: Don't tell CC!
Mehnaa: Don't tell CC what?
       I acted as if I didn't know, but I did know.
Nya: Nothing.
Mehnaa: Are you really going to believe that bull shit? I can pull a better 'perfect match' program out of my ass.

Later CC's pov

        Long story short, Zoey and I were captured buy the evil robot things, but before that the boys were in trusted with the techno-blades and news flash they don't work. The Overlord has found out how to power his war machine with human emotional pain. Which explains why we are here in a dark, wet, smelly place with a bleach white snake person. And Zoey was right P.I.X.A.L is evil and trying to steal her boyfriend. But the strangest thing is there is a hooded figure that acts like they know me, and the snake person has a plan to destroy the boys to cause us pain. I hope they don't give in.

A/N: I left out the whole explanation of how Mehnaa becomes paralyzed, but if you want to know how, I can add it in if anyone wants me to. GamerNinjaAC out peace!

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