Enter The Digiverse

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Mehnaa: So, what I'm getting at is that this divice allows them...
        I pointed to all the ninja talking in the corner.
Mehnaa: To enter the 'digiverse'...
        I added air quotes around 'digiverse'.
Mehnaa: Which is just the coding to your computer software, to delete the Overlord virese, or send the world into a unbalanced state of light vs. darkness, causing the Overlord to cross over into our world.
Borge: Yes and no. Yes the ninja can cross over into the 'digiverse'. No its the worlds mainframe. Yes we can cause the unbalancement of light and darkness. No the Overlord is already in our world, partly.
Mehnaa: Anyway, can I play with it when your done?
          He chuckled at my excitement for wanting to take in apart and figure out how it works.
Borge: Your a technical engeneer to, I presume.
Mehnaa: Yes, I've been rebuilding some of Zane's parts. When I was 14, I built my own computer which sole porpos is to program robots and create software.
         He continued to chuckle as he worked on the machine. P.I.X.A.L worked on getting the ninja in the thing.
Mehnaa: Can I push the button?
         The excitement wavered in my voice as he gestured to the button across the room. It took forever but I finally made it over to the button. I pressed it and was a little disappointed when nothing visually happened.
Mehnaa: Well, that was very anti- climatic.

Cole's pov

        The digiverse resembled our world. Except everything is darker with data streams flowing everyware. Jay keeps losing his shit with exitement, and Kai can't get a grip on his stuff. Plus the fact that I called him an air head is getting to him. I can't help bit feel like this place is getting to me too, I keep hearing a voice calling my name. The voice is soft and sweet, identical to CC's. I turned to the direction of which the voice originated, and it was CC with Zoey and someone else who looked like her older self. She ran into me, her eyes wet with tears, and pressed herself into me. I wrapped my arms around her, cradleing the back of her head with my hand. Both of our knees buckled, leaving us on the ground. She had burn marks all over her and looked like she had been tortured. I looked up to find Zoey in tears, a look of restraint on her face.
CC: Where are we?
Cole: The digiverse, we are here to distroy the Overlord virese.
            I brushed a strand of hair away from her face. She started to de-pixalate, as someone from the other side pulled her out.
Cole: CC!
         Moments later I was left alone. I dubbled over, still holding my arms to my chest. I stood up, head hung low.
Jay: Cole, dude are you okay?
Cole: I just got her back, and he took her away.
        A deep, bone chilling chuckle came from behind me, more like above me.
Cole: Is this one big fucking game to you?!
          I shouted more to word the sky rather to anyone.
Cole: Is my pain funny to you?! Cause I'm done playing! I'm not your pawn anymore! You just earned a big fat 'Game Over'.

CC's pov

         With a gasp I woke up, my mom and Zoey doing the same. We didn't know where we were or how we got there. But with in minutes we found ourselfs at Borge Industrys. 
Mehnaa: CC! Zoey! Your okay!
       I pulled her into a hug, leaning over to do so.
Mehnaa: Cole is going to be estadic. And...
         Zoey pulled the silver chain over her head and handing it to Mehnaa.
Mehnaa: I'm sorry Zoey, I can't do it with him in this state. Even if he wasn't like this, I'm not able to. I need my desktop computers to break through the fire wall, delete the virese, and change all of the altered data. All of that is too much for my laptop to handle.
        She hung the chain back around her neck. The look of hope vanished from her face, and sadness took its place. I pulled her into me, bareing her face into my shoulder.
Zoey: Your shoulder is really boney.
         I let out a sigh and played with the matted ends of her hair. She lifted her head, dried her eyes, and put on a fake smile. As if to tell me she was okay. The guys sprung to life as they were brought back to reality. As soon as he noticed I was there, Cole lept out of his chair, breaking to his knees at my bare feet, wrapping his arms around my waist and bared his face into my stomach.
Cole: Please never leave me again.
         I ran my fingers through his thick black hair.
CC: Wouldent think about it.
Cole: Then marry me.
CC: Excuse me?
           He pulled his face away from me, reached into his pocket, pulled out a sappire and silver ring.
Cole: CC Cole, will you marry me?
         In that instant my mind stopped thinking, and my heart stopped beating. I leaned over and pressed my lips to his. Pulling away for a second to wisper him a 'yes' and kissed him again. This was a mistake that didn't need changing.

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