Titanium Ninja Aftermath

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          I can't sleep. Not without him here. I lie awake staring into the blackness that filled my room. The sallow light of the street lamps creeped in through the window. I understand that we have a dangerous job, but it still hurts  none the less. I picked up my phone from the bed side table. Clicking the home button to eluminate the screen. It showed an image of him holding misltoe above me with one hand, taking the picture with the other, our lips pressed in between. I cry every time I see it, but haven't had the strength to change it. The time read 3:30 am. I was tired, but every time I close my eyes the event replays causing me to wake up screaming. I punched in the all too familiar number into my phone and waited for the annoyed voice.
CC: Zoey? Do you realize what time it is?
Zoey: Yes, but can you please come over?
CC: Already have pants on and coming over.
Zoey: Thank you so much you have no idea.
CC: As long as you buy me food in return.
Zoey: Deal.
            I hung up and answered the knock that crept from behind the door. CC, Kayli, Jessica, Lilly, Nya, and Mehnaa all huddled behind it. Kayli held up the Dairy Queen bag that I assumed was filled with ice cream. We all huddled in the living space and passed around the ice cream.
Kayli: This has been sitting in my freezer since it happened.
Zoey: What did I do to diserve friends like you guys?
        We stayed in my living room until we all fell asleep.

A short but sweet ending. If you guys want more chapters in between the end of this 'book' and the next which already has the first three chapters posted, please tell me what you want to see. Put other wise its done and I hope you all liked it, GamerNinjaAC out peace

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