Chapter One

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Warning. This story takes place during Mystery in The Sky. If you have not seen the special, then maybe this story isn't for you. This is my retelling of the story from Malcolm's POV. If you cannot handle the fact that there's a homosexual couple in it, then don't read it.

-Den Moother

Sunlight filtered in through the window. I groaned and placed an arm over my face. I turned over onto my side only to be met with something soft. Winter had curled up rather close to me. He began to stir slowly. His eye lids fluttered. "Mal? You okay?" he asked tiredly.

I nodded. "Yeah. Just have the case of the "I don't want to wake up"" I muttered.

Winter chuckled tiredly. "Forgot that you aren't much of a morning person."

I shoved the blankets back. Tomorrow was the day of the new station's opening. Winter and I had to make sure construction was finished beforehand. Winter slowly sat upright. "I have to check on my flowers before we leave. This summer heat is killer."

"You do that and meet me down at the station."

"Sounds good." Winter's stomach then howled. "Maybe after breakfast though."

Warm smells wafted through the house. Winter was trying his hand at making pancakes. I sat in the living room, watching him. The two of us had been married for a little under a year. It took Winter a lot of courage to ask me out. He turned a pancake over in the pan. "Yes! It didn't stick!" he cheered.

I chuckled quietly. "I think you've finally got the science of cooking down, babe."

"I did tell you that I would try to get better." muttered Winter.

Winter finished making breakfast. He set the plates down on the coffee table. I could smell the hazelnuts he crushed into the pancakes. I took a bite of one. I cracked a grin at him. Winter tilted his head to the side. "Spot on."

I saw his face light up. "Thank the gods." he sighed.

The two of us ate in silence. Winter took our plates to the sink. He gave them a quick scrub. I grabbed my helmet off the wall. I loaded my baton and taser onto my belt. Winter snagged his cap off the counter. He put it on his head. "Let's roll."

We headed for Sam's house first. Winter took the spare key he had for Sam's garden out of his pocket. He used it to unlock the gate. Winter headed over to his flower garden. With Winter checking on his flowers, I headed off to the new station.

A large blue tarp covered the vast majority of the police station. I swapped my Constable helmet for a hard hat as soon as I entered the sight. One of the builders looked up at me. "Everything is all set to go for tomorrow's launch."

I nodded. "The tarp will come off before noon tomorrow, right?"

"That's correct."

"Excellent. Just make sure everything is nice and neat."

"Oh don't worry, PC Malcolm, we'll make sure things are clean for the Sergent's arrival."

"Good. I just don't want her to get the wrong idea."

The builder laughed. "well this is PontyPandy."

"True. I'm still learning that this town isn't what it seems." I mused.

I remembered the first day I arrived in PontyPandy. The fire station was hosting an Open Day for all services. That was when I got to help with my first rescue. I still think about Nipper driving Hyrdus from time to time. Didn't realize dogs could drive. "Well I'll leave ya to it. Officer Price and I will be hanging out in the temporary if you need us."

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