Chapter Four

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I took Winter down to the beach. He kept his shirt on but stripped down to his shorts. He joined me in the water. He shivered. "Oh! It is nice and cold."

"Did you remember to put sunscreen on?"

"I think so." Winter smelled himself. "Nope! I didn't!" he scurried out of the water.

I shook my head in amusement. Winter coated his arms and legs in it. He then rejoined me in the water. "Done."

"I honestly hope you don't end up giving yourself a wicked sunburn elsewhere."

"I doubt it. I'm not that pasty."

"I don't know. You look pretty pasty to me." I mused. "You almost blend in with the sand."

"I didn't choose to be born white." scoffed Winter.

I held him from behind. "I know you didn't. There's nothing wrong with being pasty. I just don't want you to get burned like last time."

He turned to face me. "You worry too much." He tapped my nose gently. "Ease up. I'll be fine."

I kissed his cheek before dunking him into the water. I took off running. Winter surfaced. "Oi! Come back here you bugger!" he shouted.

He chased me further down the shore. I dove into the deep part of the water. I started swimming out towards the middle of the ocean. Winter struggled. He wasn't as good as a swimmer as I was. The current brushed up against his ankles. He shrieked as he fell backwards in the water. "Winter!" I shouted.

I watched as Winter scrambled to get over to me but the current had caught him. I quickly swam towards him. I wrapped my arm around his waist. I dragged him towards the shore. The both of us sat panting on the beach. "S-sorry." he said sheepishly.

"It's fine. I was worried I would have to call your dad." I panted.

"The last thing I want is for my dad to leave the station to have to help my dumb ass." grumbled Winter.

We heard a car suddenly pass us on the beach. It was a bright white color. It looked to have something in a tarp above it. I frowned. "That doesn't look right."

Winter looked over his shoulder. "You're right. It doesn't. Maybe they are setting up some sort of event?"

"Not sure. A part of me wants to follow them."

"Maybe we should mention to Sergent Ravani tomorrow? I mean it is our day off."

"You're right. Let's just let them be for now. It's probably nothing."

I could feel my investigator senses tingling. Something just didn't feel right all of a sudden.

Winter and I returned home. Winter whined as he touched his shoulder. "Yuck. I think I did get sunburned."

"Oh dear. I told you that you should of taken care of the other parts of yourself."

"Well I guess I have a learning curve then, don't I?"

"Take off your shirt, ya goober. I'll put the aloe on your sunburn."

Winter pulled his shirt off. I grabbed the aloe from the cupboard. I gently put some on his burn. He hummed softly. "That feels a thousand times better."

"I'm glad." I put the aloe on the counter. He put his shirt back on.

The late night hours came. I cuddled with Winter on our bed. I stared up at the roof. For some reason I couldn't get to sleep. I blinked tiredly. Maybe I just need to take a walk? I thought. Perhaps I have way too much energy.

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