Chapter Ten

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A few weeks had gone by. Winter became rather closed off. He didn't show up to work. He just laid on Sam's couch all day. He would scream long into the night from nightmares leaving him tired and bitter. He also refused to take care of himself.

Rose came by to visit. Her heart broke seeing how tore up Winter was. She sat by him on the couch. She gently laid a hand on top of his head. Winter sniffed quietly. "Fates be cruel." was all he uttered.

"I am very sorry for your loss. He was a brave man."

"A brave man that didn't deserve to die. Now Polonium is gone. The world kind of sucks right now." rasped Winter.

Rose stroked his hair gently. Winter had become a son to her. She wished she could mend his broken heart. "I feel like the universe is punishing us. We shouldn't of taken this case." whispered Winter.

"I don't think this was a punishment from the universe. I think this was a set up by Polonium." countered Rose.

Winter sniffed. "It hurts. It hurts me so much to be without him. It's like the light in my life has been snuffed out. He was a huge part of me. His funeral is tomorrow and I'm not sure I'm ready for it."

"I don't think any of us are ready for it. Not even Helen. She's super worried about you."

"Please don't worry about me. I'll only end up making things worse for you. I already had for my dad." sobbed Winter. He curled up. " I was going to be with him forever! Now he's gone!"

"He isn't one hundred percent gone. He'll always be with you. In here." She gestured to her heart. "As long as you remember him."

"I don't think I'll ever forget him." Winter held himself.

Rose left back to the station. Winter closed his eyes. He tried to get some rest. He hadn't been able to because of the nightmares he had. Sam walked into the house to find Winter twitching in his sleep. He gently held Winter down. "Winter? Winter! Wake up!"

Winter thrashed himself awake. He panted harshly. Tears streamed down his face. Sam held him close. "Shh. It's alright."

Winter began sobbing. He buried his face in Sam's chest. Sam rubbed his back.

Winter stared at himself in the mirror. He was dressed in his police officer uniform. He had on his cap. His eyes were red from crying. Today was Malcolm's funeral. They were going to escort Malcolm's body to Newtown. He heard a knock at the door. "Winter? You ready?"

"I guess so."

Winter walked out of the bathroom. Sam was dressed in a button down jacket with a white shirt underneath. He had on white gloves. A cap similar to the police department's sat underneath of his elbow. Winter wiped away his tears. "Let's go."

Sam nodded. They left the house and headed for the police station. Rose stood waiting for them outside. Winter stood by her. She placed a hand on his shoulder. "You ready to take on the hard part?" she asked.

Winter nodded. He stayed silent. A black hearse was parked outside of the gate. Winter took Malcolm's ATV. He rode around to the front of the hearse. Rose took up the rear with the police car. The both of them began escorting Malcolm's Body to Newtown Cementary.

The skies above were a hazy grey color. A light rain came down from the sky. Winter thought back on all the moments he shared with Malcolm. He couldn't believe he was gone. His heart beat painfully. He could feel himself teetering towards a panic attack.

The two of them arrived in Newtown. A convoy from Newtown joined Rose in the back. The townsfolk from PontyPandy lined the streets to pay their respects. They stopped right outside of a large church. Winter could see the firefighters lined  up outside. Winter felt weak. He wanted to run into his father's arms but he had to keep it together. The dizziness was getting worse.

Rose stood by Winter. They followed the people carrying Malcolm's body inside. The world around Winter steadily became static and silence. The casket was put up front so everyone could say goodbye. Winter peered into it. His husband looked to be at peace. He was dressed up in his Constable Uniform. Winter's legs wobbled. Rose put a comforting arm around his waist to steady him. "Officer Price, are you alright?" she asked quietly.

He shakes his head. "I feel like I'm going to have a panic attack. My heart is beating so quickly."

"Do you want to step out?"

"I'll be fine." He looked at his husband. He teared up. Suppressed sobs left his chest.

Rose rubbed his back. She bowed her head. A few silent tears fell.

Winter stepped away from the casket. He joined his father in the front pew. Sam wrapped an arm around him. He frowned when he felt how clammy Winter was. Rose sat with them. Winter lowered his cap. He couldn't bring himself to continue staring at Malcolm's body.

A large tan skinned man took his place at the podium in the front of the room. He sported a Sergent's Uniform similar to Rose's. "Thank you all for coming. Today we grief for a fallen man. One who died protecting the folks of PontyPandy. I knew Malcolm for a very long time. I remember the first day he arrived at our police station. The twinkle he had in his eyes. The hope he had for the future. I was saddened when he wanted to transfer to PontyPandy but now I know why."

The static around Winter grew worse. He ended up drowning out the rest of the speech. He felt sick. He wanted to vomit. Green flames flickered in and out of his vision. His breathing picked up. Rose grabbed him by the arm. "Winter." she whispered quietly.

Winter didn't hear her. All he heard was low tones and static. The room steadily grew dark. He clenched his chest. He didn't even realize he was being escorted out of the building. He stood outside in the rain with Rose. That's when he let his tears flow. A pained cry left his chest. He dropped to his knees.

Rose let him vent. She held an umbrella up over his head. Winter whimpered softly. He held his arms. He stared at the ground. The world was a thick, inky darkness. He didn't even see Rose standing in front of him.

Rose knelt down to his height. She held him close. The rain came down on the both of them. Winter rested his head on her shoulder. Rose rubbed his back. "I promise you, Winter. Life does get better." She touched his cheek. "We will find Polonium and bring her to justice for this."

Winter sniffed. He kept her from seeing the flames of vengeance burning brightly in his eyes.

To be continued...

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