Chapter Nine

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The fire service began putting the fires out. They would get to the point where they would put half of the fires out before new ones would start. My heart went to my throat. I started to grow worried. This thing was dangerous. I realized that people also weren't safe outside. I turned to the crowd. "Alright! Let's head indoors! You'll be much safer there!" I shouted.

Just as I said that, the flying suit came crashing into the Wholefish Cafe. It managed to do some serious damage. The suit then took off into the sky. Bronwyn picked up a fish that had fallen on the ground. "There goes today's special." she muttered.

"Um..okay. Let's stay outdoors. Much safer here." I laughed nervously.

Winter looked at me. "What are we going to do, babe? PontyPandy is burning."

"I don't know. We'll just have to wait for the fire service. Right now, let's just keep everyone near the docks."

Winter nodded. We kept watching the scene unfold. Venus pulled up on the quay. Penny and Sam got out. They looked up at the sky. I could tell that even they were stumped as to what to do.

Joe came running up Penny and Sam suddenly. "Fireman Sam! There's something wrong with the Sparkesmaster!"

"You mean the Sparkesmaster 2098?" snarked Penny.

Joe shook his head. "No! With all of them! When the battery runs out...It could...well explode a lot!"

I saw Sam roll his eyes. He had a look that could kill a man instantly on his face. "Of course they will."

Norman immediately flew away. He began chasing after the other flight suit. I took a step forward. Rose stopped me. "It's too late to stop him. Let him help."

"That kid is going to get himself hurt." I grumbled.

"Well if he does, then it'll be a life lesson for him." snarked Rose.

I grinned slightly. We waited for Norman to capture the flight suit. Winter gasped when the two of them came flying towards us. Winter tackled us to the ground out of instinct. We heard metal crash into the ground. I looked up over the top of my ATV to see Norman on the ground with the flight suit in his arms. "Help me!" shouted a female voice.

" can't hold it..." begged Norman.

James pushed his way through the crowd. He looked at the tablet he had in his hand. He got to work on deactivating the suits. He managed to get the batteries out of them. The suits opened up to reveal Norman and Professor Polonium.

I heard Winter sigh in relief. His eyes locked onto the shaking batteries. He paled. "Malcolm!"

"I see them!" I got out from underneath them. "Just keep everyone back!"

I grabbed both batteries. I didn't even give Sam enough time to really react. I kicked open the door to the Ocean Rescue Center. The batteries grew hot in my hand. I winced and accidentally dropped one of them.

Winter watched in horror as the ORC went up in a ball of Green Flames. The blast knocked out the windows on the cars and buildings. Rose kept everyone back. Debris was kicked up into the air. Some parts from the ORC came raining down from the sky. Winter whimpered. "N-No!" he ran towards the chaos.

"Officer Price!" shouted Rose.

She watched as the last of his form disappeared in the incoming dust. "Malcolm! MALCOLM!" yelled Winter. He dodged the incoming debris.

He found Malcolm's body laying on the ground. He had been badly burned. There was hardly any more of him left. Winter dropped down by his body. He wailed. He held his mate close to his chest.

Winter walked out of the ruins. It seemed like everyone was holding their breath. Winter kept from crying in front of everyone. Rose walked up to them. She paled seeing her fallen Constable. Winter laid his mate on the ground. Winter's body shook. He had unbridled rage coursing through him.

Professor Polonium and Crompton made a run for it. They disappeared off down the docks. Winter growled. He punched the ground in anger. He howled when he heard his knuckles pop. Sam placed a hand on his shoulder. Sam looked up at Rose. "Can you get everyone to stand back?"

Rose nodded. She looked at Winter one last time before running off. Sam kneeled by Winter's side. Winter stared at the ground. His knuckles were bleeding. "This wasn't supposed to happen....this wasn't right...we were so close." Winter was shaking. He fumbled over his words.

Winter felt his heart seize. He let out a loud cry. His cry wailed through the air. He shouted at the heavens in frustration. Sam held him close. He rocked him back and forth steadily.

A private ambulance came and took Malcolm's body away. Winter stood numbly. It was like he was in a dream. He failed in keeping his husband alive. Sam kept his hold on him. Rose walked over to them. Sam could see the pain in her eyes. "Winter." she addressed.

Winter didn't meet her gaze. His green eyes had turned a deeper shade. He shook. She got closer to him. "I'm very sorry. I can't imagine how you are feeling. I can assure you that we will find Professor Polonium and Crompton. Their crimes won't go unpunished."

Winter just nodded quietly. He zoned out. Sam picked up on this. He took Winter home. Winter sat on Sam's couch. He stared at the wall. His world had been ripped from him. He held his arms. He rested his head on his knees. Happy memories flashed in his head. He remembered the night they spent together. How gentle Malcolm was with him. Winter teared up. What was he going to do now?

Winter grabbed a knife from Sam's kitchen. He snuck out into the backyard. He walked over to where his flower was. He put the knife close to his wrist. Tears streamed down his face. He screamed as he ran the knife over his wrist over and over again. Anger coursed through him. He felt a hand stop him. "Winter!" shouted Sam.

Winter froze. He looked up to see his father staring at him. Sam had a firm hold of his son's wrist. Sam sat by him. He held Winter close. "Please don't hurt yourself."

"My gone..." sobbed Winter. "She took it from me..I have nothing left....I don't want to be alone..."

"You aren't going to be alone. I promise." whispered Sam. "I'll help you any way I can."

Winter held his bloodied wrist up to his chest. "C-Can you fix my broken heart?"

Sam slid his flannel off. He gently pressed it to Winter's wound. Winter managed to get blood all over his flower. Winter whimpered softly. Sam took Winter back inside. He fixed his wrist up. Winter sat down on the couch again. Pain sobs racked through him.

Sam placed a hand in the center of Winter's back. He let Winter cry himself to sleep before tucking him in. He stayed by his side through the night.

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