Chapter Two

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Green fire rose into the night. The quay had been set ablaze. I heard screaming. I spotted Winter pinned by a car. "Winter!" I shouted as I rushed towards him.

Winter looked up. "Malcolm! Look out!"

I turned around. A pair of green lights shined in the dark. I suddenly felt something metal collide into me.

I bolted upright in bed. I panted, looking around. Winter stirred in my arms. "Babe, you okay?"

I didn't answer him. I could still make out the fire from my dream. My heart rate went through the roof. I didn't notice that Winter had touched my cheek. He made me face him. "It's alright. I'm right here. Just focus on my voice."

I stared into his eyes. "Your safe."  he comforted. He pressed his forehead to mine. "I'm right here."

I sighed softly. Winter's touch grounded me back in reality again. He kissed my cheek. "There we go."

I laid down on my side. Winter held me from behind. I fell into a dreamless sleep.

I woke up the next morning to Winter being gone from my side. I could smell breakfast being cooked. I headed downstairs after him. Winter hummed quietly to himself. I snuck up behind him. I wrapped my arms around his waist. Winter jumped. He went to turn around only to lower his spatula. "Damn it. Don't do that!"

I chuckled. "Sorry. I just couldn't help it." I planted a kiss on his cheek.

Winter pretended to be mad at me. He folded his arms over each other. He looked away. I smirked. "Your fake being angry with me isn't going to work."

Winter sighed. "It's so hard to be mad at you because you know how to weasel your way out of it."

I grinned. I kissed him gently. "I'll leave you alone to cook."

I headed off into the living room. I watched him cook. He was making an omelette with the leftover chicken from last night. I smiled. "Making a Caribbean chicken omelette?"

"Yeah. Trying to at least."

"It smells heavenly. That chili sauce must of really settled in."

I took my phone out of my pocket. I opened up the news app.

In local news, PontyPandy is set to open it's new Police Station today. The police force will also be welcoming a new Sergent into it's ranks. The event is being held at noon today.

I smiled. "Looks like everyone in PontyPandy is hyped for our new station to open."

"Sounds like it. Oh! You should check the other article that went up today! Some smuck tried to scam a couple of Dragons."


"Yeah. Take a look. Should be under the World News tab."

I tapped on the article that Winter was talking about.

Pol-Tec tried to scam some Dragons out of a quarter million dollars this week after a failed presentation. Pol-Tec is responsible for the invention of a Mouse Deterrent. The product hasn't done well enough online, only having a one-star review. The Dragons rejected Pol-Tec's offer after finding out that the company mostly ran on scams.

The fate of Pol-Tec is currently unknown but it doesn't look like they'll be getting business any time soon.

I rolled my eyes. "Let's hope they don't try that stunt again."

"Dunno. Once a scammer, always a scammer." Winter finished cooking. "I can tell you what's not a scam though,  A Williams approved breakfast."

Winter walked over with two plates of food. He set them down on the table. "Enjoy."

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