Chapter Six

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I woke up to the sound of my phone going off the next day. Winter reached over. He sent whoever was calling to voicemail. He held me close. "Go back to sleep."

I sighed. I settled down further in bed. Winter cuddled more into my chest. I rested my hand behind his head.

Water surrounded each side of the vehicle. I banged against the window harshly. The window was breaking. Water was starting to fill. My partner sat panicking. "Malcolm! Hurry!" he shouted.

I banged against the glass again. "I'm trying!"

Water kept filling the car. I banged on the glass one last time. It finally shattered. I swam out first. My partner tried to but he got stuck. I went to go free him. My lungs aching for a breath. He put his hands on my wrist. He looked up at me sadly when he realized his fate. He shoved my hand away from him.

I reached out towards him.

I woke up in a cold sweat. I panted harshly. I found it much more harder to breathe than usual. Winter sat upright. He wrapped his arms around my stomach. "Easy big cat. Slow your breathing down a bit."

I gripped the sheets. I zoned out for a moment. I could still see the car sinking faintly in my vision.  One of my arms went up like I was trying to grasp something.  I felt Winter hold me down gently in bed. He planted his lips on mine firmly.

I gasped as I kissed him back. His touch was what brought me back to reality. I held him close. His mouth melted into mine. I could smell the oranges on his breath. I pulled away. He searched my eyes. "You okay?" he asked.

I nodded quietly. We stayed staring at each other for a bit before Winter climbed off me. He reached into the drawer on his side of the bed. He pulled out a plastic pill bottle. He set it down on his nightstand. "I hate to do this, Babe, but you need to take your medication again."

I waved him off dismissively. "I'm fine."

"No you're not. Take it." He hands it to me. "I'll go and get you some water."

He headed off downstairs. I sighed. I stopped taking my pills once my symptoms were stable enough. I really didn't like having to take it only because it made me numb and tired. Winter came back. He handed the glass of water over to me.

I shoved the pill into my mouth. I used to the water to wash it down. I handed the empty glass over to him. He put the empty glass on the nightstand. We ended up embracing each other again. I rested my head on Winter's shoulder.

I checked my phone to notice a missed video call from Anika. I redialed her number. Anika appeared on screen. Hey Malcolm. She greeted.

"Morning Anika. What details do you have for us?"

It didn't take me long to run the DNA from the prints you gave me. They're a match from the Popsicle stick that was sent in. I have a feeling that Mr. Inglewood could be our mastermind.

"But Crompton doesn't appear to be the leader. From what we know, he seems to be more of a follower." I argued.

Fair point! I'll keep searching. I still can't find much in a way of a work history for him though the name "Pol-Tec" keeps coming up.

"Pol-Tec?" prompted Winter.

Let me do a quick Google search here. I watched as Anika glared at her screen. Pol-Tec. Pol-Tec. Ah-ha! Here we go. It says here that they are a brand new tech company. Their name has recently appeared in the database. However, the only thing they have is a mouse deterrent that has a one-star review.

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