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The song I was listening to while writing this, feel free to listen to it! -Yup

Oh ya, btw your GOD OF ALL THINGS THAT I MAKE is back. Um, I don't know about Tox. But uh, ya. Anyway. I'll be on more now. So expect this to update more now. As well as the other things I'm helping. But uh, it'll be hella random. So ya. Enjoy!


Izuku started to shake, he couldn't understand. Why now? Why would he suddenly change? Why? Why. Why! "WHY!?" His scream sounded throughout the building. Dread filled the hearts that heard it. 

He hugged his small frame and cried, all the while his thoughts started to run rampant.  What did he want to do to him? Did Kiri tell him? Was I that blind? But, but he was different. He didn't treat me terribly. Was it all fake? Was this all to use him? Why do they have to play around with my emotions? I didn't do anything to them. I tried to be kind to them. Do I deserve this? 

His shaking intensified, his tears stained the ground, the walls seemed to close in on him. It started to overwhelm him. "How could this happen?" He thought, "I thought I did everything right? I didn't do anything wrong. So why do they continue to play with my emotions?" 

His head lowered, and a shadow was cast over his eyes. A giggle escaped his lips, but his tears increased in number. "Hehehe, how could I have been so blind? I thought I was fine! I should've been fine! HAHAHA! This is funny! HAH! I was never able to escape was I?! HAHAHAHA!

This is funny right!? Hehe!





Kiri could feel the dread the filled his heart, but it just hurt to look at him like this, "What did they do to you Izuku..." He continued to question himself in his heart. But Izuku seemed to have taken note of him.

"You, you've just been using me!? Haven't you? Haha, I shouldn't be surprised. I should be used to this by now. Hehe" His shaking started to grow with each and every breath, "This wouldn't be the first time either! Haha! I should've expected this! It shouldn't have hurt me. He's probably gonna try to control my every move. I mean why would he just suddenly change after years and years of abuse? You were probably in on this. Right?"

Bakugou stayed in his room, he could hear every damn word. He knew he was the cause of this. But he just didn't know how to fix it. Every sob, every trickle of a tear, every question, every single thing. Every word was like a wound on his heart. He had finally figured out what he had done to one of the only people he loved.

Kiri saw the whole thing. He could see every single crack that appeared. Every desperate cry for help. Every single piece of the puzzle fall apart. Every laugh that would fill you with a sadness you never knew you could feel. He saw the happy person he used to know


Ok then. Um, ya this is taking a different turn than I thought it would... Hopefully in the next few chapters I can bring him out of this lil old thing. Or not. Who knows! Hehe, anyway, hope you got a bit sad! -Yup

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 13, 2021 ⏰

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