Protect them

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Damn, I get to talk with ya'll two chapters in a row! This is strange. Anyway. Um. Continue on??? Idk. Oh! Ya'll probably don't know who your talking too. Well. Reading. Anyway, it's Yup again! That's the song I was listening to while I wrote this, it's not that bad in all honesty. Enjoy the chapter!

3rd POV

In the past, Bakugou could be seen playing with Midoriya in the forest. It was some of Bakugou's greatest memories. He'd had always loved the smile his Izuku could pull off. It was the times before all the quirks, omegas, and alfas. It was when Bakugou Katsuki had grown to like the green haired male, and all the little things he did. But once he found out his quirk and that he was an alfa, and that Midoriya was a quirkless 'beta'. That was when things took a turn.

Izuku, even though he was quirkless, was able to still make friends. But it always hurt Bakugou to see Izuku with someone else. So when Bakugou saw how many hero's die on the job, he got worried. People with quirks could still die while being a hero. So what chance did Izuku have? That was when he decided, to protect him, he'd hurt him.

But he never took into consideration the idea of pride. He kept on getting praised for his quirk. He got everything he could have ever wanted. So in turn. It caused him to lose sight of why he did everything he did. It was just a chore at that point. Was.

When the sludge villain had taken him he could see all of the hero's. He fought for his life, while they just stood there, and watched. All of them were just complaining about not having the right quirks. So when 'Deku' had ran in and started to do something, it surprised him. Deku had no quirk, yet he was doing more than what those hero's have been doing that entire time! That's when he realized what he'd done.

His feeling were overshadowed by pride. But on that very day, he had fallen in love with one Midoriya Izuku all over again. He wanted to apologize for everything he'd done. For all the pain he'd caused. But when your in need of luck, it never appears. Pride, pride had coated his words every time he'd speak to the boy. He'd wanted to say thank you, he'd wanted to say you can be a hero, he'd wanted to say I love you.

But it would always come out the same. Fuck you, you can never be a hero, I hate you. All he could do would be watch the pain flash in his eyes, and talk more. So he needed to make it right, but how? How can you do that when all you can do is yell at people and be mean? By using it to protect them.

Sorry did I say ruin last chapter? I meant save.


Mineta peeked out of his hiding spot and started to speak, "Y-yes Bakugou?"

This was his chance to speak what he really wanted to say, what he needed to say.

"If I ever! See you around Izuku, I will personally kill you! If you so much as look at them wrong I will kill you! Ya hear me ya grapist?!" Bakugou yelled.

"W-why would I ever g-go near Midoriya?" Mineta asked.

Bakugou not buying it said, "Don't lie to me ya dumbass! You heard it all didn't you!?"

"OK OK! Sorry, I'll stay away from Midoriya," Mineta said slightly peeing himself.

Bakugou just huffed and kicked him over to his room.

Um, this was my best shot at BakuDeku... I've never really tried to do this ship before in all honesty. So this was all new to me. Um, ya. Hope you liked it! Um, I'ma go take a shower now. Bai! -Yup

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