Non-Binary Talk.

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Ok, so
I know I haven't updated but,
I'm having a crisis rn.
I think I want to be non binary, but I have no clue how to come out to my family.
My mother constantly reminds me that ' I AM a gIrL ', so it's almost predicted she won't accept me :(
Can anyone tell me what being non binary is like? I want to make sure I fully understand it before I mess up my family life.

Does being non binary mean you have to change your name? I know so many people who use a genderfluid name and I just don't know anymore. If so, please suggest some!

Also if anyone knows where I can find binders, please tell.

I can't open my dm's atm so plz comment.


( Promotion lololol )

I have a new saiki.k book out called holistic, so feel free to view the of art competition!

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