Chapter 4: Spying

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Ash's POV

My friends were talking and I was looking around at the scenery. The place was very fancy, and the wood carvings on the table were really well done! As I looked around, I saw someone I didn't want to see. We locked eyes and I tensed. I noticed he seemed to do the same. Then he quickly looked away and back at the menu. I kicked Gary in the shin. "Ow! What the hell was that for?!" Gary said. "Guys, I don't think you'll be happy to hear this, but I have bad news." I said. "Well?" Gary said in a demanding manor. "The traitors are here."

Bonnie and Max were shocked, while Gary just had a look of disgust on his face. I glanced at their table and my friends followed my eyes. They saw the traitors. The traitors seemed to have a look of shock on their face as well. I guess Brock told them I was here.

General P.O.V

Ash and co. finished their food quickly and left the restaurant. The traitors did the same. They followed Ash and his friends back to their rooms. When they left, the traitors decided to make a plan to talk to Ash. They headed to the cafeteria of the Pokemon Center.

"So guys, how are we going to talk to Ash?" Misty asked the rest of the traitors. "Well we could always wait 'til he comes out and then ask him." Iris said. "No that wouldn't work. He would just get mad at us and not talk to us." May replied. "We could force him to talk to us." the genius boy said. "Great idea Clemont!" Serena said. "We can surround him next time he comes out alone and we could threaten him with our pokemon." The traitors left to go train their pokemon for their contests or battles, completely obvious to the eyes that were watching them from the shadows.

A Few Minutes Earlier

Ash had just walked into his room. He locked the door, went to the kitchen, grabbed a bottle of ketchup and 2 fruit cups, and went into his bedroom. Pikachu and eevee jumped onto his bed, while lucario just sat down quietly. Ash threw the bottle of ketchup onto the bed and pikachu quickly grabbed it. He open up the fruit cups and put one on the bed and held the other one. Eevee quickly went over and started eating the fruit.

"I choose you!" Ash shouted. He threw a pokeball. "Marr!" "Marshadow, I want you to go spy on the traitors and see what their planning." Ash said. "Ok. See you in the shadows, master." "For the last time, it's-" But marshadow had already gone. Ash sighed. "So Ash, when are we gonna train?" pikachu asked. "We can train when marshadow gets back." Ash answered.

A few minutes later, marshadow came back. "Did you hear anything?" Ash asked the fighting/ghost type. "They are planning evil and I like it. Although, I do not like that they are planning against master." marshadow said. "Just tell me what they are talking about." Ash sighed. "Fine. They is talking about ambushing master when he is alone. They is gonna use their pokemon to threaten master." marshadow said. Ash smirked. "Well then we'll just have to go out alone and show them just how strong we've gotten." His pokemon cheered. "Thanks marshadow. I'll be sure to get you some marshmallows later." "Yay!" Coincidentally, marshmallows are marshadow's favorite food.

Ash made his hands in the shape of a circle. He concentrated really hard and muttered something. A beam of light shot out of the circle and stopped in the middle of the room. It was a perfect circle of light. Pikachu and eevee ran in, while lucario walked alongside Ash. Marshadow floated into the circle of light.

Turns out it was a portal, 'cuz when Ash and his pokemon came through it, they ended up in another dimension that Ash created with his aura. It was their training and relaxing ground for when they were with a lot of people. Since the hotel housed a lot of people, they couldn't train outside, and the room was WAY too small and at night, some people could still be up, so Ash used this dimension for training.

 Inside, it was a big forest. There were ponds and lakes to swim in and trees to climb. The trees and bushes were bursting with berries of all kinds and there was one huge tree in the middle of the forest that grew...all foods?! Yes, Ash created a tree that grew every food so that his pokemon could eat whatever they wanted. And, before you ask, yes, it grew ketchup. A lot actually, since pikachu was addicted to it and Ash knew how strong his thunderbolt could be.

Ash let out all his pokemon, including his legendaries, and they trained for about 4 hours. Then he let all of them relax and eat some food. His water types like squirtle, seadra, dewgong, and huntail, swam around in the ponds, lakes, and rivers. His grass and flying types like, sceptile, leavanny, pigeot, unfezant, and nuzleaf, rested in the trees(most of them rested in the Food Tree so they could eat lots). Some of his other pokemon rested in patches of sunlight like delcatty, glameow, and torracat.

After 2 hours of rest, Ash returned all his pokemon except pikachu, eevee, and lucario and went back to his room. He closed the portal and checked his phone. Since the training and resting place was an alternate dimension it didn't have a signal. He checked his rotom phone.

You have a missed call from Gary Motherf***ing Oak

You have a missed call from Gary Motherf***ing Oak

You have a text from Gary F***ing Oak: Where the hell are you?!

You have a missed call from Gary Motherf***ing Oak

You have a missed call from Bonnie

You have a text from Bonnie: Ash can we train? I was wondering if typhlosion could help teach flareon Lava Plume?

You have a missed call from Bonnie

You have a missed call from Max

You have a text from Max: Hey Ash, let's battle! Gallade against sceptile!

You have a missed call from Max

You have a missed call from Gary Motherf***ing Oak

You have a text from Gary Motherf***ing Oak: ASH!! WHY AREN'T YOU ANSWERING ANYONE!!!!


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