Chapter 6: Operation Mate

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Ash woke lucario up and explained to him the plan. Lucario nodded in agreement. Ash made breakfast and he and lucario ate quickly. He left out two pancakes for pikachu and eevee. Ash wrote a note and then used his aura to turn invisible. He touched lucario and he turned invisble as well. They smirked, waiting for Operation Mate to begin.

An Hour Later

Pikachu woke up and saw he was snuggling with eevee. He blushed and got up, waking up eevee. "Yawn. What time is it?" she asked groggily. Pikachu looked at the clock on the nightstand. "It's 8:15. Wonder where Ash and lucario are?" Pikachu said. "Probably in the living room waiting for us." Eevee yawned. With that, they both jumped down off the bed and waked into the living room.

To their surprise, Ash and lucario were no where to be seen. "Hmm. What's that?" Pikachu asked. Eevee turned her attention to where pikachu was looking. They walked over to their food bowls. There was a note laying in between the bowls. Pikachu and eevee read it.

Dear Pikachu & Eevee,

Lucario and I are going shopping for more supplies and food. We didn't want to wake you since you were sleeping so peacefully (together) so yeah. We should be back in a few hours! See you soon!



"Together?!" eevee shouted. "Hours?!" pikachu yelled. "WHAT!?" they said in unision. They were quiet for a moment. "W-well I guess we should e-eat?" eevee stuttered. "Y-yeah! I'm starving. Hehe..." They ate their food in silence. "W-well I'm gonna go umm... take a n-nap." eevee said. "Ok I'll just uh.. watch some T.V." pikachu replied. They were both blushing madly. "So uh umm yeah, bye!" eevee said, as she ran to the bedroom and jumped on the bed. She curled up into a fluffy ball and fell asleep.

Pikachu watched T.V for an hour and a half and then eevee came out of the bedroom. "So..uh..what should we do?" eevee asked. "Umm..Oh! Let's get a snack!" pikachu suggested. Eevee nodded and they ran to the kitchen. Pikachu jumped as high as he could and grabbed onto the counter. He hung on with all his might a tried to pull himself up. "I...Got... I- NO I Don't!!" Pikachu's paws slipped and he fell onto eevee. They blushed. "So-sorry!" Pikachu jumped up and off of eevee. "N-no problem!" eevee quickly replied, getting up. Pikachu tried again, this time using iron tail to push off the ground. He got a fruit cup and a few ketchup packets. He jumped down and opened the fruit cup for eevee. He handed it to her and blushed when their paws met as she took the cup from him.

After they ate, eevee said, "Hang on! Imma go grab something!" She ran off into the bedroom. She ran back towards him, but then... THUD!

She had slipped on a pencil (that, might I add, was not there a moment ago and was certainly NOT there by accident) and she fell on top of pikachu they both blushed REALLY hard. But for some reason eevee didn't get up.

They stared into each others eyes. They both knew what they wanted to happen, but neither of them made it. Then miraculously eevee's head moved closer to pikachu's. But eevee was so caught up in the moment that she didn't notice that it wasn't HER who was moving her head closer. Then they were so close, and eevee's head moved closer and then..................................................................................... they kissed.

After a few seconds, they pulled apart. "U-umm, c-c-can I ask y-you som-something?" pikachu asked. "Y-yeah." eevee said quietly. "Ok. Here goes. Willyoubemymate?" pikachu rushed. Eevee couldn't believe her ears. Were they playing tricks on her? No, no they weren't, eevee concluded. "Yes!" she answered. They stared into each others eyes smiling. They nuzzled each other for a long time till they went to the bedroom. They snuggled together and rested.

Ash and lucario smiled to each other. Operation Mate was successful. Ash walked to the door and opened, then closed it. He turned himself and lucario back to being 'see-able', and then walked into the kitchen. Pikachu and eevee walked out of the bedroom.

"So" Pikachu stood on his back legs and crossed his arms. "where are the groceries?"



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