Chapter 5: The Picture

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Ash quickly called Gary back. "ASH!!" Gary yelled into the phone. Ash had to pull the phone away from his ear. Pikachu shook his head and sighed. Ash glared at him and eevee and lucario snickered in the background. "Where were you?! Max and Bonnie said you weren't answering their calls and texts!" Gary said. Ash couldn't tell him that he'd been in an alternate dimension. No one but him and his pokemon knew of his aura, so he couldn't explain it like THAT.

"My phone died and I couldn't find my charger." Ash said bluntly.

"Ok. Well anyway, could you come down to battlefield 7. Max, Bonnie, and I are going to train and have some practice battles, and if it's not too late, we might do a Battle Royale." Gary explained.

"K. Be there in 5." Ash hung up and went to change his clothes. Pikachu hopped on his shoulder. "Are you guys coming?" Ash asked. "Nah, I think I'll stay and take a nap." "I will stay too master. Someone has to look over eevee." lucario said. "Hey! I'm not that bad!" eevee said hotly. Ash and lucario rolled their eyes. Pikachu stared at eevee blushing. When eevee noticed this, she blushed back. "Err..Let's goo!" pikachu said. Ash smirked at pikachu and replied, "Ok."

Ash got two fruit cups from the mini fridge and gave one to lucario and opened one for eevee. Then Ash and pikachu went to battlefield 7.

2 Hours Later

Ash and Pikachu came back into their room to find eevee and lucario sleeping peacefully. Ash checked his NanoDex. It was already 8:45! Ash quickly took a shower and changed into his pajamas. Pikachu curled up next to eevee and fell asleep. Ash got into bed and, a few minutes later, was fast asleep.

The Next Day

Ash woke up and saw lucario, pikachu, and eevee were still asleep. Pikachu was sprawled out and eevee was nuzzled into him. Ash snickered. He knew they both liked each other but neither wanted to admit it. He got an idea, and he turned his NanoDex onto camera mode. He snapped a picture and made a mental note to show them once they woke up.

He got up and made breakfast. He made 8 pancakes, 4 for him, 2 for lucario, and one for each eevee and pikachu. Soon after, lucario walked in on Ash eating his pancakes. Lucario ate his too. Then they both sat on the couch watching the news, waiting for pikachu and eevee to wake up before they went to train.

Ash remembered the picture he took earlier and showed it to lucario. Lucario snickered, for he too knew of their shy romance. Just then, eevee and pikachu walked in. Ash waited 'til they finished their breakfast to show them the picture. When he showed them, they both turned tomato red, being able to rival a blaziken's fur. Ash and lucario burst out laughing. "W-w-what?!" eevee asked. "Th-that was photo shopped!!" pikachu shouted, but that just made the two laugh harder, and said pokemon blush harder. Pikachu got irritated after a while when they wouldn't stop laughing. "Shut up!" he yelled. They kept laughing. "PikaaCHUUU!!" Pikachu gave them quite the shock.

"Oww.." Ash said. Lucario grunted. They were both covered in soot. Now it was pikachu and eevee's turn to laugh. "Hahaha!" "Why you..!" Ash had a very mischievous idea. "Come on out and assist me!" he said. Pikachu, eevee, and lucario wondered what he was doing, but they weren't kept in suspense for long when a certain Tricky Fox pokemon came out of the pokeball.

"You wouldn't!" pikachu said. "Oh yes I would!" Ash replied. Pikachu ran at Ash as fast as he could, be he was too late. Zorua had seen the picture. "HaHaHa!!" "NOOO!!" Pikachu yelled. "See ya!" she yelled, going back into her pokeball. "PikaCHUUUUUU!!!!!" Pikachu shocked both Ash and lucario as hard as he could. "HEY!! What was that for! I didn't show the picture!" Lucario said.

Why was pikachu so mad that Ash showed zorua the picture you ask? Well it's because zorua was a prankster and loved exposing secrets. But how would she tell the others about pikachu and eevee if she was in her pokeball you ask? It's simple. (Well, not really.) Ash created a dimension with his aura so that his pokemon wouldn't have to be stuck in their pokeballs all the time. You see, whenever he calls a pokemon back to it's pokeball the pokeball transports it to a dimension that Ash created. In other words, all the pokemon who were in their pokeballs were actually in this dimension together. That is how zorua could tell everyone about pikachu and eevee. In this dimension there were trees, rivers, ponds, lakes and bushes. It also had a Food Tree. This dimension was just like the training one, except this one had a bunch of comfy beds scattered around the place. The beds were made out of, wait for it, ..... CLOUDS!!! Ash made the clouds solid enough to lay on, and they were as soft as, well, clouds! They tasted like their owner's favorite food, before you ask, yes, it is edible. Whenever you took a bite our of it, it would grow back. Ash had made a bed for each of his pokemon. The pokemon told him their favorite food so he could make the bed taste like it. The clouds in the sky were also solid enough for you to sit on, but these clouds weren't edible.

A Few Days Later

Ash, pikachu, eevee, and lucario had just come back from training with his other pokemon. Ash got 3 fruit cups and a bottle of ketchup for them. (You can guess who the bottle of ketchup goes too.) Pikachu and eevee had been blushing and stuttering when talking to each other a lot lately, and Ash was tired of it. How were they supposed to get in any decent trained if they were always acting crazy? Ash thought of a plan. He was going to go see the love expert.

The next morning, Ash woke up early and went into the living room. He put his hands together and made a circle. He concentrated on his aura and muttered a few words. These words were different from the words e muttered when he was creating the portal to the training gronds, though. A beam of light shot out from his hands and made a circle of light. Ash walked through it and into the Pokeball Dimension. (That's what he named it for obvious reasons.)

Ash knew where all his pokemon and their beds were. Since he created this dimension, he could tell if anyone was in it and exactly where they were. He went to the 'Love Expert's' bed. She was knitting a pink scarf at the moment. "Hello gardevoir." Ash greeted. "Hello Ash? What do you need?" she asked. "I need a plan."

Ash explained the situation to gardevoir and she thought up a plan. Ash thanked her and went back to his room. He went to the bedroom and saw his pokemon sleeping. "Time for Operation Mate."

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