Bad Luck With Canines - IV & V

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I sat on the lounge in the parlour with Nightmare curled up on my lap

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I sat on the lounge in the parlour with Nightmare curled up on my lap. Since the Zombie had chased me, Nightmare made a pint to follow me everywhere I went. Including sitting on the bath mat while I showered. Ears perked and ready to attack any intruders. I put on some ripped jeans, a black piglet with a white skull and a light jacket incase it got cold again tonight. Kacey was on her way over with Xavier to pick me up. The only problem was Atticus.

Atticus paced up and down the length of the parlour as Jaimeson studied the corpse of the dog. After Atticus had unfortunately hit it with his car on his way home, Jaimeson wanted to study it. So they bought the rotting corpse inside and put it on a tarp in the parlour.

"You cannot go to the fair," Atticus said as he folded his arms.

"Look, the dog is dead. I'm pretty sure it was the same one I felt at the cemetery." I argued as I rubbed Nightmare's little ears.

"I know it's dead, but I am concerned that it might not be the only one." Atticus replied carefully.

"Not to mention that someone practicing necromancy has to raise the dog." Jaimeson added. Atticus frowned at Jaimeson like he shouldn't have said anything.

"Okay, so maybe it was raised by the cult." I suggested thinking back to the cemetery. "I felt it stalking me at the cemetery, which means that it's been around for a while."

Atticus sighed and touched his chin absently. Jaimeson looked up at him and said, "it could be possible. Without it's master present, perhaps it was just fulfilling it's commands."

"It's commands?" I queried.

"When a Necromancer raises the dead, they usually give it a command." Jaimeson explained as he cut open the stomach. I cringed at the sound and resisted the urge to cover my ears. "Depending on how intact and fresh the corpse is depends on how complicated the command can be. For a dog, I would presume it would be something fairly simple."

The smell of the rotting corpse in the parlour was enough to make me sick. I tried to block it out and distracted myself with my phone.

"Necromancy doesn't stop the corpse from rotting and breaking down. The longer the corpse has been animated, the harder it is for the creature to follow it's command. Sometimes the rotting of the brain causes them to confuse and war the original command." Jaimeson continued as he peered into the dogs stomach.

"That's nice, but I think Kacey is here, so," I motioned towards the door and grimaced at the smell. The sound itself was enough to make me feel nauseous. I picked up Nightmare and walked into the foyer. Atticus followed me as I opened the front door and stood on the front porch.

"I really don't like the idea of you going to the fair with Kacey and her whatever." Atticus said as he closed the front door behind him.

"I'm still going," I retorted. "Mostly to escape the dissection and the smell," I choked.

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