Sophie and Elijah - Part III & IV

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We entered an open area

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We entered an open area. Ply boards were nailed to wooden beams and painted, giving the illusion it was just a regular room and not at all underground. Carpet squares were placed on the floor, probably to stop the cold from creeping in. Honestly, I was totally expecting this to be an intricate network of damp and cool tunnels leading into a cave. I was clearly wrong.

It was almost homely. Almost.

A table and chair was set up in the area, a couch and even a TV. I had many questions as to how they were watching tv underground, but there wasn't really a right time to ask.

"Would you like to see your sister?" The man asked slowly.

"Yes," Delilah bit out through clenched teeth.

"We all would." Kacey said weakly and looked to me.

"If you would, please?" I asked politely.

They were definitely going to kill us. It was really just a matter of when, I knew that. I was also betting that they wouldn't get the chance to kill us. Assuming that Atticus had found my phone. Would find it, assuming Atticus would find it and bother to look in my messages.

"Certainly." The robed figure said with too much joy. There was something about his voice that sounded familiar. Had I heard it before, or maybe it just sounded familiar to someone.

We followed him through another tunnel, a corner, another tunnel, another turn. By the time we reached a doorway I had no idea where we were. The doorway was blocked by roots, which should have been unsurprising since I was pretty certain there were fairies here. Yet, I was still surprised by this.

The robed figure stood outside the doorway as the roots parted.

"Hello?" Sadie's voice called as Delilah peered in.

I watched as Kacey and Delilah glanced at each other in relief before darting through doorway to Sadie. I moved to stop them, but hesitated. Looking through the doorway I could see that Sadie was generally okay, they hadn't hurt her. Delilah and Sadie embraced in a tight hug as Kacey wrapped her arms around both of them.

The roots closed over the doorway.

I scoffed with a short nod. As I heard Delilah and Kacey grumble in defeat.

"Come with me." The voice said again. This time I was certain I had heard it before.

"Who are you?" I asked curiously.

They didn't reply. Instead they silently turned and walked down the hall. With a frown I followed him, briefly touching the roots that sealed in Kacey and Delilah. I couldn't hear them anymore.

Were they okay?

Following the robed figure through the tunnels, I asked, "we've met before, haven't we?"

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