School Prep - Part VI & VII

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Leighton was going to be my first

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Leighton was going to be my first.

The grass rustled gently in the warm breeze. I pulled Kacey's hoodie around my face as I waited at the edge of the school oval for Leighton. Yellow tape and posted marking the place where Maria's body had been found in the distance. Fiddling with her phone I checked for messages again. I'd been here for fifteen minutes already and he still wasn't here. Fifteen minutes past midnight, maybe he wasn't going to show after all.

The crunching of dry grass underfoot made me stiffen as I realised the sound was coming from behind me. Hesitantly I half-turned towards the sound, keeping my face hidden by the shadows. I watched as Leighton walked towards me, dressed in a dark t-shirt and jeans, his brown hair falling before his eyes.


I bowed my head in an attempt to keep my face hidden form view, I needed him to be closer to me. As he closed the distance his pace slowed, his brow furrowed as he stared at me.

"Hey," Leighton said lightly as he edged towards me. I nodded at him in acknowledgement and shoved my hands into the pockets of Kacey's hoodie. "Kace? Are you okay? You seem...different."

I took a careful step towards him, we were now a metre apart, but I still needed to be closer. If we were too far apart he would see it coming.

"Kacey...?" Leighton called as he tried to see my face.

"When we were talking in the library today, we lied." I lifted my face so he could see enough to know I wasn't Kacey.

"Wait, what? What are you- Why- Where's Kacey?" Leighton stammered out.

I pulled Kacey's phone out of my pocket and held it up to show him. Leighton looked at the phone and then at me, like he didn't understand what I was implying.

"You weren't talking to Kacey." I explained.

Leighton's eyes grew wide with understanding as he began to piece everything together. "You agreed to meet me here pretending to be Kacey." Leighton took a step away from me.

Damn it, I need to draw him in, not scare him off.

"Yea, I did, because I needed to talk to you. It's about Chloe." I tucked Kacey's phone back into my pocket, my fignertips brushing over a hilt.

"Uh," Leighton glanced around us desperately, like he was looking for someone. "What are you talking about?"

"I know who killed Chloe," I replied as I watched him continue to panic.

"Y-you mean-"

"I know who killed those people on Australia Day too," I continued, finally earning his full attention.

"I'm sorry, what on earth are you talking about?" Leighton snapped, his voice high with panic.

"I'm talking about a cult, Leighton. I saw them, I was there when they were killed."

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