Chapter 11, Lyra: The truth

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"what does this mean??? what is this black eye??? why do you look so worried-" I said, confusingly.

"its actually...very complicated" Keefe replied with a worried look on his face...

"yeah yeah but you STILL HAVE TO TELL ME!" I answered clearly annoyed.

"Oh where do i start" Keefe said while rolling his eyes.

"Start with what this black eye means, im getting reaaaaally impatient over here"

"fine, but im warning you, you're not going to like it"

"ughhhhhh just startttttt"

"okay so this 'black eye' as you call it is the symbol of the neverseen-"

"the never-what now?"



"they're a rebel group trying to take over the lost cities basically..."

" the bad guys"

"yep, basically, but there's another group called the black swan that are trying to stop them"



"sooo those people that came to our house are the swan-whatevers?"

"yeah....and so am I"

"hm, oki so what do these neverthings do?"

"a lot of stuff actually...that you would obviously not understand"


"and there are a lot of members of the neverseen...some that we know and some that we dont.."

" do i know any?"


"well WHAT????"

"one of the members *or should i say self proclaimed leader* is..."


"Your own mother..."

Two of a kind (KotLC fanfic) *OLD VERSION*Where stories live. Discover now