Chapter 12, Evely: the lies

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I felt....weird....

I got up only to see a baby alicorn on the floor sleeping...

oh right-

i just remembered what happened last night, which is something i will definitely not forget, and that alicorn will be a reminder...


in...MY HOUSE?

what if my parents see the alicorn in my room? what do i do?

well...there is one thing i could do...

and that was-


oh no

my mom was at the door!

"Are you awake evely?"

The baby alicorn woke up and it got up and started to fly all around my room...

"Where is all that noise coming from?"

The alicorn quickly flew out of my window, just in time for my mom to come in through the door-

"What was that?"


"It....Was a bird! that flew in here, but its out now so yeah-" I said closing the curtains.

"Are you sure that was a bird?" She answered

"Uhhhh.....Totally! they always come in here and its reaaaally annoying but whateve-"

She opened the curtains to see the alicorn flying very badly in the distance.

"A bird you say? huh...."She said as she left the room...

that was too close! I couldn't let her find out that i had an alicorn in my room!

is this what i have to do from now on?


I need to protect the the same time....

I need to find a place for the alicorn to stay...

but in the meantime...

i had to deny everything...

Two of a kind (KotLC fanfic) *OLD VERSION*Where stories live. Discover now